Atticus' Personality
Publié le 05/05/2012
Extrait du document
Atticus is a lawyer and a devoted father. His wisdom, calmness and assurance make him stand out from all the other characters.
The author make the readers feel comfortable when in presence of Atticus, firstly because he seems to be a good father, and secondly because he is strong-minded and modest.
Atticus lives in a rural town, mostly inhabited by farmers that didn’t necessarily get a good education. But he remains diplomatic and considered towards these people, and demonstrates a lot of wisdom, as he teaches his children to remain like him and not to have prejudices or to stereotype other people, like the Cunninghams’ or Mrs. Henry Dubose (“she died to her views, beholden to nothing and anybody. She was the bravest person I ever met”-page 124-). As an example, he says page 120 that he does “his best to love everybody”. Also, the fact that he defends a black person is an example of his kindness and fairness towards others.
He shows great open-mindedness and good moral in defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of crimes. Because of that, Atticus is exposed to all kind of insults from others, like “nigger-lover” (page 95), but still defends him because he thinks “this case, Tom Robinson’s case, is one that goes to the heart of man’s conscience”(page 111). He doesn’t only exposes himself, but his daughter and son, Jem and Scout, who have to put up with what we tell them at school and not to begin thinking their father is abnormal.
Liens utiles
- Correspondance Cicéron Ad Atticum (VII, 13a) Minturmes, 23 janvier 49 Mon cher Atticus, [.
- Hérode Atticus Tiberius Claudius , vers 101-vers 177, né à Marathon, riche rhéteur grec, qui fut consul de Rome en 143.
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- Personality Disorders.
- Hérode Atticus - beaux-arts.