Atlantic Slave Trade.
Publié le 03/05/2013
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members of the planters’ society.
Through most of the years of the Atlantic trade, prices for Africans remained favorable in relation to the price of the crops theyproduced.
They were, thus, the best economic solution for plantation owners seeking inexpensive labor.
The Atlantic slave trade began as a trickle in the 1440s and grew slowly through the 17th century.
By 1700, 25,000 slaves, on average, were crossing the Atlantic everyyear.
After 1700 the trade grew much more rapidly to a peak in the 1780s, when an average year saw 80,000 African slaves arrive on American shores.
Then the tradefell off more slowly and after 1850 quickly declined.
Most of the slaves transported in the Atlantic slave trade were adult men.
About twice as many African men as women crossed the Atlantic, and only one in ten slavestraded to a European was under age ten.
Africans tended to retain women slaves, whom they valued as agricultural workers and bearers of offspring.
Children were lesseconomical to trade: They cost as much to enslave and transport, yet brought lower prices.
Nearly all persons transported across the Atlantic in the slave trade came from the coast and interior of west and west central Africa, between the Sénégal River in thenorth and southern Angola in the south.
A smaller number came from the Mozambique coast or the island of Madagascar along the southeastern side of Africa.
Someareas supplied especially large numbers: Perhaps one-third of all slaves came from 800 km (500 mi) on either side of the Congo River and another one-third from thearea that today is Benin and Nigeria.
The first Europeans to sail down Africa’s west coast in the mid-15th century attempted to steal Africans from their homes.
Several violent confrontations showedAfricans’ strength, however, and African boycotts proved how dependent Europeans were for such necessities as food and water.
It became evident that the onlypractical way to obtain slaves or other commodities was to bring items the residents wanted in exchange.
Within a short time, Europeans and Africans established asystematic way of trading that changed little over several centuries.
A basic tenet of the slave trade was that Europeans were the shippers only.
They were not welcome inland and were generally forbidden to become involved in Africanpolitics.
Consequently Europeans established outposts on islands or coastal ports where they dealt with neighboring African merchants and rulers.
Inland, Africans developed various commercial networks for supplying slaves and moving them to the coast.
Across the interior of West Africa, Muslim families organizedslave caravans and moved them from the interior to the coast.
Along the Gold and Slave coasts (an area now comprising the nations of Ghana, Togo, Benin, andNigeria) the rulers of large states such as Ashanti, Dahomey, and Oyo obtained slaves through tribute, which was provided by the rulers of less powerful states inexchange for protection or as a symbol of allegiance.
East of the Niger Delta, African commercial associations (known as trading houses) controlled slave procurementand delivery.
Along the Angolan coast, officials of the Portuguese crown first organized inland slaving, but by the 18th century private Portuguese, mulatto (individualsof mixed African and European descent), and African traders were taking trade goods to interior markets and returning with slaves.
At various points along the coast, buyers and sellers met and struck deals.
Europeans examined slaves; Africans looked over merchandise; and then the parties haggledto set the values of each.
The assortment of the Europeans’ trade goods was always an important factor.
Any notion that Africans were duped into accepting trinkets oflittle value is incorrect.
Most knew what they wanted and could hold out for good terms.
Typical commodities exchanged for slaves included cloth, metals and metalware,firearms and gunpowder, spirits, cutlery, coins, decorative wear, horses, salt, cowrie shells, and paper.
The prices Europeans paid for slaves rose steadily through theyears.
An English buyer could obtain a healthy slave for 5.5 pounds worth of commodities in 1690 and 14 pounds worth in 1760.
The same slave sold in Virginia for 15pounds in 1690 and 45 pounds in 1760.
Slaves were not distributed evenly around the Atlantic.
Roughly 40 percent of the total went to the Caribbean islands; another 38 percent went to Brazil; and SpanishAmerica accounted for 17 percent.
Only about 6 percent entered what would become the United States.
Mortality factors affected the various populations’ abilities toreproduce, however, so the geographical distribution of African slaves does not correspond to today’s population of African descent in the western hemisphere.
Slavesworking on Caribbean and South American sugar plantations faced higher mortality rates as a result of harsh labor conditions and exposure to tropical diseases.
As aresult, slave populations in many sugar-producing areas grew steadily only because planters imported a continuous supply of new slaves from Africa.
Slaves in whatwere the British North American colonies tended to live longer, healthier lives due to less brutal working conditions and a climate less hospitable to tropical diseases.
Asa result, slave populations in those areas continued to grow even after Britain and the United States abolished the importation of slaves in the early 1800s.
The Portuguese transported the greatest number of slaves in the early years of the slave trade, exercising a near monopoly well into the 17th century.
Portugal hadseveral advantages because of its early expansion into Africa and the ease of transporting slaves over the relatively short distance from Africa to the Portuguese colonyof Brazil.
The annexation of Portugal by Spain, from 1580 to 1640, tightened the Portuguese hold over the slave trade.
Phillip II of Spain granted Portuguese merchantsa monopoly on the importation of slaves to Spain’s colonies in America.
Portuguese influence declined after it gained independence from Spain in 1640.
This coincided with the establishment of sugar plantations in the West Indies by theBritish, French, and Dutch.
These nations began to claim larger parts of the slave trade during the 1640s, and by the 18th century the British were the dominant slavetraders.
The Atlantic slave trade became part of a prosperous trading cycle known as the triangular trade.
In the first leg of the triangle, European merchants purchased Africanslaves with commodities manufactured in Europe or imported from European colonies in Asia.
They then sold the slaves in the Caribbean and purchased such easilytransportable commodities as sugar, cotton, and tobacco.
Finally the merchants would sell these goods in Europe and North America.
They would use the profits fromthese sales to purchase more goods to trade in Africa, continuing the trading cycle.
The voyage from the African coast to the Americas was called the Middle Passage.
For the human cargo of slaves, it was among the most difficult sea passages everundertaken.
On average, 16 percent of the men, women, and children involved perished in transit.
The typical ocean crossing might last from 25 to 60 days, depending on origin, destination, and winds.
Slaves were kept below at night on decks four or five feet high.They had less than half the space allotted convicts or soldiers transported by ship at the same time.
Captains kept slaves above deck through as much of the day asweather permitted.
Men remained shackled; women and children were freer; crews encouraged movement and activity.
Two meals per day were the norm.
The foodvaried according to purchases at departure: corn and rice from the less-forested regions on the northern and southern extremes; yams from the Niger delta to theZaire River.
Sometimes dried beans from Europe were standard fare.
Each person received about a pint of water with a meal.
Shipboard hygiene was primitive.
Captains made reasonable efforts to guard food and water from contamination and to isolate the sickest slaves, but sanitary facilitieswere inadequate and slave ships harbored a wealth of diseases.
Dysentery was the biggest killer.
Mortality rates declined after the mid-18th century.
By that time shipshad become faster (meaning less time for contamination of food and water and spreading of diseases), and captains had learned how to prevent scurvy with citrus fruitsand how to produce fresh water by boiling and evaporating salt water..
Liens utiles
- Centenary of the abolition of the slave trade, analyse de document
- CONVERSATION AGRÉABLE DU PEUPLE SLAVE (Chronique) (résumé & analyse)
- Analyse de Jean-Michel Basquiat, Slave Auction (Marché aux esclaves) 1982
- World Trade Center (New York) - architecture.
- World Trade Center (Architektur).