Publié le 10/05/2013
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with the philosophical ideas of materialism, which holds that only matter exists; communism, which asserts that religion impedes human progress; and rationalism,which emphasizes analytic reasoning over other sources of knowledge.
However, there is no necessary connection between atheism and these positions.
Some atheistshave opposed communism and some have rejected materialism.
Although nearly all contemporary materialists are atheists, the ancient Greek materialist Epicurusbelieved the gods were made of matter in the form of atoms.
Rationalists such as French philosopher René Descartes have believed in God, whereas atheists such asSartre are not considered to be rationalists.
Atheism has also been associated with systems of thought that reject authority, such as anarchism, a political theoryopposed to all forms of government, and existentialism, a philosophic movement that emphasizes absolute human freedom of choice; there is however no necessaryconnection between atheism and these positions.
British analytic philosopher A.
Ayer was an atheist who opposed existentialism, while Danish philosopher SørenKierkegaard was an existentialist who accepted God.
Marx was an atheist who rejected anarchism while Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy, a Christian, embraced anarchism.Because atheism in a strict sense is merely a negation, it does not provide a comprehensive worldview.
It is therefore not possible to presume other philosophicalpositions to be outgrowths of atheism.
Intellectual debate over the existence of God continues to be active, especially on college campuses, in religious discussion groups, and in electronic forums on theInternet.
In contemporary philosophical thought, atheism has been defended by British philosopher Antony Flew, Australian philosopher John Mackie, and Americanphilosopher Michael Martin, among others.
Leading organizations of unbelief in the United States include The American Atheists, The Committee for the Scientific Studyof Religion, and The Internet Infidels.
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