Apollo Program - U.
Publié le 02/05/2013
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Moon’s orbit; rendezvousing and docking with the CSM; and finally, setting a course home to Earth.
On return to Earth, the spacecraft was slowed by drag from Earth’satmosphere and by parachutes (just before splashdown), before landing in the ocean.
The transit time to and from the Moon was approximately three days each way.Depending on the specific mission, the time in lunar orbit ranged from less than one day for Apollo 8 to over six days for the final three missions, and the time on thelunar surface ranged from less than one day for Apollo 11 to over three days for Apollo 15, 16, and 17.
A Apollo Test Missions
A total of 16 unmanned Apollo missions were flown between October 1960 and April 1968.
The objective of these missions was to test the Saturn rocket launch systemand certain systems of the CSM and the LM.
The launch vehicle systems and the CSM abort system were tested in ten missions.
Launch vehicle/spacecraft compatibilityand the CSM heat shield were tested in four missions.
The Saturn launch vehicle for the complete lunar landing configuration was tested by launching CSM and LM testvehicles into very high Earth orbit paths.
B Apollo 1
On January 27, 1967, the launch crew and flight crew of the first manned Apollo mission were conducting a simulated countdown to test the operations andcompatibility of the CSM and the launch vehicle prior to their scheduled launch the following month.
The spacecraft was ready for a simulated launch, with hatch locked,power on, and an internal atmosphere of pure oxygen.
The crew of Virgil I.
Grissom, Edward H.
White, II, and Roger B.
Chaffee were in their space suits and performingthe normal sequence of prelaunch activities.
At about 6:30 PM, after over five hours of delays and problems, a spark inside the spacecraft ignited flammable material and instantly engulfed the closed compartmentin flames.
By the time the hatch was pried away more than five minutes later, the crew had died from asphyxiation.
The precise source of the spark and fire was never determined; neither were any individuals or specific organizations implicated in the fire.
Upon retrospect, the actualcause was due to the combination of several conditions: an oxygen-rich atmosphere; flammable interior materials such as paper, the space suits, Velcro, and otherflight equipment; a vast array of exposed internal wiring, which presented many potential sources of electrical sparks; and the design and manufacture of thespacecraft.
As a result of the fire, many changes were made to the design, manufacturing, test, and checkout procedures of the vehicles and the management of the entire Apolloprogram.
Many of these changes were tested in the unpiloted Apollo missions 4, 5, and 6.
The vast improvements to the CSM, in particular, and the process by which itwas prepared for flight, proved highly successful.
The CSM performed almost flawlessly during the remainder of the Apollo program (with the exception of Apollo 13).
C Apollo 7
Apollo 7 was the first manned Earth orbit flight test of the CSM.
This ten-day mission was launched on October 11, 1968.
On board were Walter M.
Schirra, Donn F.Eisle, and R.
Walter Cunningham.
While orbiting Earth, the crew practiced maneuvers that would be used in a lunar mission.
After exiting orbit and reentering theatmosphere, the capsule and crew were safely recovered in the Atlantic Ocean.
D Apollo 8
Apollo 8 was launched on December 21, 1968, and was the first manned mission to achieve lunar orbit.
The crew of this six-day mission, Frank Borman, James A.
Lovell,Jr., and William A.
Anders, conducted a complete test of the CSM flight profile for lunar missions.
The CSM entered lunar orbit on December 24, 1968, and orbited theMoon for ten revolutions (20 hours 7 minutes) before returning to Earth and a controlled reentry into the Pacific Ocean.
E Apollo 9
Apollo 9 was the first flight test of the complete lunar landing mission including the CSM, the LM, and the EMU.
The crew consisted of James A.
McDivitt, David RandolphScott, and Russell L.
The first Apollo spacecraft to be named, Gumdrop (CSM) and Spider (LM) were launched into Earth orbit on March 3, 1969.
Duringten days of operations, the crew demonstrated all Apollo mission maneuvers.
Remaining in Earth orbit, the crew simulated a lunar landing with the LM and conductedthe first actual LM rendezvous with the CSM.
The astronauts conducted a 56-minute EVA to demonstrate EVA crew transfer from the LM to the CSM.
The crew alsopracticed backup safety maneuvers, including a procedure in which astronauts used the LM as a lifeboat in case the command module was rendered inoperable oruninhabitable.
This procedure was subsequently used to recover Apollo 13.
F Apollo 10
Apollo 10 was a dress rehearsal for a lunar landing mission and was conducted in lunar orbit, but it excluded the actual landing.
Launched on May 18, 1969, thespacecraft Charlie Brown (CSM) and Snoopy (LM) spent over two days and 31 revolutions in lunar orbit.
The crew of Thomas P.
Stafford, John W.
Young, and EugeneAndrew Cernan conducted all propulsive maneuvers required for a lunar landing mission.
During lunar orbit, Stafford and Cernan descended in the LM to within 14.5 km(9 mi) of the lunar surface before completing the first lunar orbit rendezvous with the CSM.
This eight-day mission was recovered in the Pacific Ocean and wascompleted less than two months prior to the planned launch of the first lunar landing mission.
G Apollo 11
Apollo 11 was the first lunar-landing mission.
Launched on July 16, 1969, the crew of Neil A.
Armstrong, Edwin E.
Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Allen Collins flew the spacecraftColumbia (CSM) and Eagle (LM).
On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin landed the Eagle at the relatively flat and unobstructed Tranquillity site on the Moon, whileCollins remained in the CSM.
The LM spent 21 hours 36 minutes on the lunar surface, and the crew spent 2 hours 31 minutes outside the LM in a local area excursion onfoot to a distance of approximately 50 m (160 ft) from Tranquillity Base.
Armstrong and Aldrin evaluated the capability of working on the lunar surface, established asmall scientific station, and collected 22 kg (49 lb) of lunar rocks and soil.
Using the descent stage of the LM as a launching platform, the ascent stage of the LM took offfrom the Moon’s surface to rendezvous and dock with the CSM.
The spacecraft departed lunar orbit over two days after arrival.
This eight-day mission landed and wasrecovered safely in the Pacific Ocean.
As a precautionary measure, the astronauts were quarantined for 14 days.
H Apollo 12
Apollo 12 was the second lunar landing mission and the first mission to make a pinpoint landing on the Moon.
Launched on November 14, 1969, the crew of PeteConrad, Richard Francis Gordon, Jr., and Alan LaVern Bean flew the spacecraft Yankee Clipper (CSM) and Intrepid (LM).
Conrad and Bean landed the LM on the.
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