Publié le 11/05/2013
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The body defends itself against foreign proteins and infectious microorganisms by means of a complex dual system that depends on recognizing a portion of the surfacepattern of the invader.
The two parts of the system are termed cellular immunity, in which lymphocytes are the effective agent, and humoral immunity, based on theaction of antibody molecules.
When particular lymphocytes recognize a foreign molecular pattern (termed an antigen), they release antibodies in great numbers; other lymphocytes store thememory of the pattern for future release of antibodies should the molecule reappear.
Antibodies attach themselves to the antigen and in that way mark them fordestruction by other substances in the body’s defense arsenal.
These are primarily complement, a complex of enzymes that make holes in foreign cells, and phagocytes,cells that engulf and digest foreign matter.
They are drawn to the area by chemical substances released by activated lymphocytes.
Lymphocytes, which resemble blood plasma in composition, are manufactured in the bone marrow and multiply in the thymus and spleen.
They circulate in thebloodstream, penetrating the walls of the blood capillaries to reach the cells of the tissues.
From there they migrate to an independent network of capillaries that iscomparable to and almost as extensive as that of the blood’s circulatory system.
The capillaries join to form larger and larger vessels that eventually link up with thebloodstream through the jugular and subclavian veins; valves in the lymphatic vessels ensure flow in one direction.
Nodes at various points in the lymphatic network actas stations for the collection and manufacture of lymphocytes; they may become enlarged during an infectious disease.
In anatomy, the network of lymphatic vesselsand the lymph nodes are together called the lymphatic system; its function as the vehicle of the immune system was not recognized until the 1960s.
E Respiratory System
Respiration is carried on by the expansion and contraction of the lungs; the process and the rate at which it proceeds are controlled by a nervous center in the brain.
In the lungs, oxygen enters tiny capillaries, where it combines with hemoglobin in the red blood cells and is carried to the tissues.
Simultaneously, carbon dioxide, whichentered the blood in its passages through the tissues, passes through capillaries into the air contained within the lungs.
Inhaling draws into the lungs air that is higher inoxygen and lower in carbon dioxide; exhaling forces from the lungs air that is high in carbon dioxide and low in oxygen.
Changes in the size and gross capacity of thechest are controlled by contractions of the diaphragm and of the muscles between the ribs.
F Digestive and Excretory Systems
The energy required for maintenance and proper functioning of the human body is supplied by food.
After it is broken into fragments by chewing ( see Teeth) and mixed with saliva, digestion begins.
The food passes down the gullet into the stomach, where the process is continued by the gastric and intestinal juices.
Thereafter, themixture of food and secretions, called chyme, is pushed down the alimentary canal by peristalsis, rhythmic contractions of the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinalsystem.
The contractions are initiated by the parasympathetic nervous system; such muscular activity can be inhibited by the sympathetic nervous system.
Absorptionof nutrients from chyme occurs mainly in the small intestine; unabsorbed food and secretions and waste substances from the liver pass to the large intestines and areexpelled as feces.
Water and water-soluble substances travel via the bloodstream from the intestines to the kidneys, which absorb all the constituents of the bloodplasma except its proteins.
The kidneys return most of the water and salts to the body, while excreting other salts and waste products, along with excess water, asurine.
G The Endocrine System
In addition to the integrative action of the nervous system, control of various body functions is exerted by the endocrine glands.
An important part of this system, thepituitary, lies at the base of the brain.
This master gland secretes a variety of hormones, including the following: (1) a hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland andcontrols its secretion of thyroxine, which dictates the rate at which all cells utilize oxygen; (2) a hormone that controls the secretion in the adrenal gland of hormonesthat influence the metabolism of carbohydrates, sodium, and potassium and control the rate at which substances are exchanged between blood and tissue fluid; (3)substances that control the secretion in the ovaries of estrogen and progesterone and the creation in the testicles of testosterone; (4) the somatotropic, or growth,hormone, which controls the rate of development of the skeleton and large interior organs through its effect on the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates; and (5)an insulin inhibitor—a lack of insulin causes diabetes mellitus.
The posterior lobe of the pituitary secretes vasopressin, which acts on the kidney to control the volume of urine; a lack of vasopressin causes diabetes insipidus, whichresults in the passing of large volumes of urine.
The posterior lobe also elaborates oxytocin, which causes contraction of smooth muscle in the intestines and smallarteries and is used to bring about contractions of the uterus in childbirth.
Other glands in the endocrine system are the pancreas, which secretes insulin, and theparathyroid, which secretes a hormone that regulates the quantity of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.
H The Reproductive System
Reproduction is accomplished by the union of male sperm and the female ovum.
In coitus, the male organ ejaculates more than 250 million sperm into the vagina, fromwhich some make their way to the uterus.
Ovulation, the release of an egg into the uterus, occurs approximately every 28 days; during the same period the uterus isprepared for the implantation of a fertilized ovum by the action of estrogens.
If a male cell fails to unite with a female cell, other hormones cause the uterine wall toslough off during menstruation.
From puberty to menopause, the process of ovulation, and preparation, and menstruation is repeated monthly except for periods ofpregnancy.
The duration of pregnancy is about 280 days.
After childbirth, prolactin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary, activates the production of milk.
I Skin
The skin is an organ of double-layered tissue stretched over the surface of the body and protecting it from drying or losing fluid, from harmful external substances, andfrom extremes of temperature.
The inner layer, called the dermis, contains sweat glands, blood vessels, nerve endings (sense receptors), and the bases of hair andnails.
The outer layer, the epidermis, is only a few cells thick; it contains pigments, pores, and ducts, and its surface is made of dead cells that it sheds from the body.(Hair and nails are adaptations arising from the dead cells.) The sweat glands excrete waste and cool the body through evaporation of fluid droplets; the blood vesselsof the dermis supplement temperature regulation by contracting to preserve body heat and expanding to dissipate it.
Separate kinds of receptors convey pressure,temperature, and pain.
Fat cells in the dermis insulate the body, and oil glands lubricate the epidermis.
The oldest known systematic study of anatomy is contained in an Egyptian papyrus dating from about 1600 BC.
The treatise reveals knowledge of the larger viscera but little concept of their functions.
About the same degree of knowledge is reflected in the writings of the Greek physician Hippocrates in the 5th century BC.
In the 4th century BC Aristotle greatly increased anatomical knowledge of animals.
The first real progress in the science of human anatomy was made in the following century by the Greek physicians Herophilus and Erasistratus, who dissected human cadavers and were the first to distinguish many functions, including those of the nervous and.