Devoir de Philosophie

an example of resolution for MUN

Publié le 07/06/2011

Extrait du document




Noting with deep concerns  that measures have not been put in to action in every country to find a long term solution to fix the problem of youth crime. Only the United States, United Kingdom, Jamaica, Canada and some other organizations like “Judo For Peace”and United Nations International Child Educational (UNICEF) have tried to fix this issue,


Alarmed by the fact that youth crime dramatically increased and is now a worldwide problem,



Having studied that crimes commited by  children from LEDC’s are due to different reasons that children from MEDC’s,


Recognizing the  need of further actions to be taken and finding ways of dealing with youth crime,


Further Recognizing Nations have to approach this problem in different manners,


Noting with deep concern that harsh and inhuman measures taken in some countries to reduce  youth crimes rate,




1)         Urges nations to take measures and use methods to prevent youth crime from a young age through means of :

a)  Education,

b)  Providing more economic help to develop structures and free activities for young  people (to keep them off the street);


2)         Emphasizes the need to encourage the youth to speak out about issues by:

a)   Providing special, experienced counselors in every school,

b)  Creating various commissions to give them mental support.


3)         Encourages member states to form laws to discourage the incentive to break the rules ( one day  in jail ) .


4)     Requests police forces in the street in problem areas in      order to discourage the commiting of crimes and make it more difficult for criminals to get away.

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