aircraft, Italian
Publié le 22/02/2012
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Like France, Italy, an early aviation pioneer, lagged
behind Germany, Britain, and the United States in
the design of military aircraft. Nevertheless, Italian
designers were resourceful in compensating for
Savoia-Marchetti SM79. The Savoia-Marchetti
SM79, Italy's most important bomber, produced
in a quantity of 1,330, used wooden construction
to conserve scarce wartime metals and was configured
as a trimotor, a design that compensated for
the low power (780 horsepower each) of its Alfa
Romeo 126RC34 engines. As with all Italian military
aircraft, weight was further reduced by stinting
on both armor and defensive armament (light
machine guns only), which proved to be fatal
The SM79 was crewed by four to five, had a
wingspan of 69 feet, and carried a bomb load of
2,755 pounds. After it was generally replaced by the
larger (wingspan 81 feet 4 inches; bomb load, 6,615
pounds) CRDA (Cant) Z1007bis early in the war,
the SM79 was reconfigured as a torpedo bomber.
In this role, it proved quite successful. Top speed
for the SM79 was 267 miles per hour, service ceiling
was 21,235 feet, and range was 2,050 miles.
CRDA Z1007bis. Crewed by five, the CRDA
Z1007bis was a trimotor, like the SM79. Its Piaggio
P.XIbis RC40 engines produced 1,000 horsepower
each, propelling the bomber to a top speed of 280
14 aircraft, Italian
miles per hour and a service ceiling of 26,575 feet.
Range, however, was limited. Whereas the SM79
had a range of 2,050 miles, the larger and heavier
Z1007bis was limited to 1,650 miles, though its
bomb load, at 6,615 pounds, was more than twice
that of the SM75. About 660 of this aircraft were
Fiat BR20M. In between Italy's two trimotors
was the twin-engine Fiat BR20M, crewed by five or
six and powered by 1,000-horsepower Fiat A.80
RC41 engines to a top speed of 267 miles per hour
and a service ceiling of 24,935 feet. This medium
bomber had a limited range of 1,243 miles but
could carry more bombs than the three-engine
SM79: 3,527 pounds. It was deployed in early raids
against Britain in November 1940.
Italians flew five significant fighters during
World War II, including one, the Macchi C202, that
is considered a classic less for its performance than
for its beautiful design. All Italian fighters were easily
outclassed by the standard fighters of Britain
and the United States.
Fiat CR 42. The CR 42 Falco (Falcon) was the
last important biplane fighter of the World War II
era. It was the product of the success of the CR 32
biplane in the Spanish civil war, and it entered
flight testing in May 1938. Manufactured in greater
numbers than any other Italian fighter, it was, of
course, obsolete from its inception. Although it
represented the pinnacle of biplane design—light
on the controls and highly agile—it was a biplane,
and, therefore, doomed to be outclassed by modern
monoplane fighters. Nevertheless, it fought in
Italy's first World War II campaign, against targets
in southern France in 1940. The German Luftwaffe
also used the aircraft for night attack and as
a trainer throughout the war. Belgian and Hungarian
forces also flew the plane. During the Battle
of Britain, Italy's Corpo Aero Italiano (Italian Air
Corps) contributed bombers, reconnaissance aircraft,
and the CR 42 to the effort. Wingspan was 31
feet, and the power plant was a single Fiat A74
engine, developing 840 horsepower. The CR 42
carried two 220-pound bombs and had a pair of
12.7-mm machine guns. Top speed was 266 miles
per hour at 13,000 feet.
Fiat G50 (bis). Introduced in 1939 as the G50
and subsequently upgraded in the "bis" version,
this fighter was underpowered and was out-gunned
by Allied machines, yet it served in every theater in
which the Italians fought, most extensively in
North Africa. It was powered by a single Fiat A.74
R1C.38 radial engine rated at 840 horsepower. Top
speed was 292 miles per hour at 16,405 feet, and
wingspan was 36 feet ¼ inch. Armament included
two .50-inch machine guns.
Macchi C200. Predecessor to the more famous
C202, the C200 was driven by a Fiat AA74 870-
horsepower radial engine to a top speed of 312
miles per hour at 14,700 feet. With two machine
guns, it could carry a 600-pound bomb load and
had a range of 270 miles.
Macchi C202. The C200 was introduced in 1939
and the C202 in 1941. It was an airplane with beautiful
lines and saw extensive service in North Africa,
where it performed better than any other Italian
fighter, which is not to say that it could outperform
the Allies. Like the C200, it had a wingspan of 35.1
feet, but it was powered by a single Mercedes-Benz
DB601 engine, which delivered more than 1,175
horsepower, giving the C202 a top speed of 370
miles per hour at 16,500 feet. The C202 outgunned
its predecessor, with four rather than two machine
guns, but it carried the same 600-pound bomb
load. Range was reduced from 270 to 240 miles.
Reggiane Re 2001 (Caproni). The last Italian
fighter to be introduced in World War II, its predecessor,
the Reggiane 2000, had been developed in
1938, but the Italian Regia Aeronautica (Air Force)
judged it underpowered and did not buy it. Refitted
with a 1,175-horsepower Daimler Benz Bd 601
engine and redesignated the Re 2001, it entered
service in 1942 after Caproni completed a series of
improvements required by the Regia Aeronautica.
Only 237 were built before Italy withdrew from the
Although designed as an interceptor, the Re
2001 always flew as a fighter-bomber or as a night
fighter. It had a top speed of 349 miles per hour
and a ceiling of 36,000 feet. Range was an impressive
684 miles. Armed with four wing-mounted
machine guns, it could carry either a 220-pound or
aircraft, Italian 15
550-pound bomb, but, against naval targets, it even
carried a 1,412-pound bomb.
See also Italy, air force of.
Further reading: Apostolo, Giorgio, and Giovanni Massimello.
Italian Aces of World War II. London: Osprey,
2000; Gunston, Bill. An Illustrated Guide to German, Italian
and Japanese Fighters of World War II: Major Fighters
and Attack Aircraft of the Axis Powers. London: Salamander,
1980; Gunston, Bill. Japanese and Italian Aircraft.
London: Book Sales, 1985.
Liens utiles
- Lockheed Aircraft Company.
- Laverna Roman A goddess of the Underworld of ancient Italian origins.
- Lucina Roman An ancient Italian goddess of light and childbirth.
- Luna (Moon) Roman An ancient Italian goddess of the Moon, probably of a lesser rank than the great Roman goddesses, such as Minerva and Juno.
- Picus (Woodpecker) Roman An ancient Italian god of the wild country, perhaps a satyr.