A suggestion of romance
Publié le 19/11/2012
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beast feels for Belle grows stronger every day and every night, he would ask her to marry him only to be
refused each time.
Belle, dreaming of a prince she is persuaded is kept as a prisonner in this castle, always
answer him that she only love the Beast as a friend.
After several month, Belle eventually become home sick and asks the Beast if he could let her see her family.
He allowed her if she would return after one week and give her a mirror where she could see the Beast at any
time she wanted and a magic ring wich will enable her to go back immediatly to the palace.
Back home, her
sister seeing her dressed like a princess, became jealous of her luxurious life in the castle and make Belle stay
While showing false love toward Belle and forcing her to break her promise, they're hoping the beast
would grow angry to Belle and eat her alive.
As she begin to feel guilty, she uses the mirror to see the Beast
and find him half-dead of heartbroken near a rose bushes.
Belle immediatly return to the palace and find the
Beast almost dead.
She weeps over him and says she loves him.
When her tears strike the Beast, he transforms
into a handsome prince, into the prince Belle was dreaming of.
In fact, he has been cursed by a fairy who turned
him into a hideous beast after he refused to le her in from the rain.
The only way to broke this curse was to
being truly love despite his ugliness.
He and Belle marry and live happily together forever and after.
I do think this story is a really amazing romance with a beautiful moral: "Anyone can be love for his inner
beauty, regardless of his appearance", and "Love can arise from anywhere".
I think it is great to think that you
can be love, even by a beautiful person, when you're ugly in appearance but pretty in the inside.
So because of
its moral and this unusual yet beautiful romance, I recommend this story to be included in your Top 80 romance
of all time.
I really hope my suggestion would help you and I hope to see this fairy tale on the list.
Yours faithfully,.
Liens utiles
- suggestion.
- romance.
- Romance ( Pauline Ortmans.
- Définition / vocabulaire: AUTO(-)SUGGESTION, (AUTO SUGGESTION, AUTO-SUGGESTION) substantif féminin.
- Un critique écrit : « Ne confondons pas versification et poésie. Le versificateur n’est qu’un technicien ; la qualité d’un poète au contraire réside dans la puissance de suggestion qu’il emprunte aux sonorités, aux rythmes, aux images en accord étroit avec le sentiment. » En illustrant votre exposé d’exemples précis, vous commenterez ce jugement.