Fondements historiques du droit constitutionnel britannique TD
Publié le 14/01/2013
Extrait du document

constitution, it retains sufficient flexibility to allow adaptation to suit the changing circumstances of society
with minimum procedural restraints.
Codified/uncodified are better description than written/unwritten to better distinguish the UK constitution from
that of other countries because most of the UK constitution is written but has never been codified into one
single document.
Yet flexibility should not be unrestrained, that is to say an ability to evolve can be constrained by existing core
principles of the Constitution so that the evolution is a development but never a fundamental break with the
existing Constitutional order.
If such a break occurs, it amounts to a Constitutional revolution.
The UK
experienced these in the past ; for instance during the civil war in the seventeenth century.
Hence one
dichotomy to bear in mind : revolution of the constitutional order versus evolution.
It is usually said that the UK is a common law country.
In fact the system of common law only applies to
England and Wales.
Scotland has its own legal system.
English law differs from continental law in so far as it is
not based on Roman law.
Even though England was part of the roman empire, its legal system was not
It has evolved its own way from Anglo-Saxon times through the Norman conquest.
Wiliam the Norman invaded England in 1066.
Common law is based on case-law, that is to say decisions made by the judges in courts.
In every new case, a
judge has to conform to the rule of legal precedent, that is to say he has to consider the decision taken in a
previous similar case and this decision is binding.
Stare decisis.
Over time Equity developed as a remedy to the
defects of common law.
Statute law : that is the body of laws voted by Parliament and that received the royal ascent over case-law.
Custom and constitutional convention : that is, existing legal practices and habits that regulate the running of
Parliament or the other members of the sovereign power but are not laws so to speak..
Liens utiles
- De manière traditionnelle le droit constitutionnel a pour objet l’Etat et la Constitution. Pourquoi ?
- TD séance 5 : Droit constitutionnel Sujet : « Les pouvoirs du président déséquilibre le Vème République ? »
- Droit constitutionnel : Les différentes formes d’État
- Droit constitutionnel: Responsabilité du Président de la République