Devoir de Philosophie

Vocabulary english

Publié le 30/12/2012

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Vocabulary list Visceral: adj instinctive, rather than based on reasonable thinking. Deeply felt; showing basic emotions. Watershed: Noun. An important event, period, timie, or factor that serves to distinguish separate phases. High school is a true watershed event in a young person's life. Vehement: ajd. Expressed with intense feelings and conviction. Strongly felt, or marked by a high emotion. Forceful and emphatic, vigorous. Ravenous: adj. extremely hungry or greedy for something: predatory. Intensely eager to be satisfied. To gratify desires. Pernicious: Adj. Causing great harm, destruction, injury, or death. Wicked, meaning to cause harm. Pandemonium: Chaos. Wild uproar or tumult. Nemesis: a bitter enemy, especially one who seems unbeatable. Foreboding: to have an inward conviction of, prediction, and presentiment Affable: characterized by ease and friendliness, pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial; warmly polite: an affable and courteous gentleman, showing warmth and friendli...

« 24) Shard : pieces of a broken thing, fragments. 25) Cachet : mark of quality or distinguishing feature 26) Terra incognita : physical territory, situation in which you find yourself unfamiliar grounded, new 27) Recrudescent : to revivify or to come back to life after a period of quiet inactivity 28) Fop : reserved for guys who are too concerned with his looks/clothes 29) Schism : split, separation, also seen in religion context for situations where a split in doctrinal beliefs causes a schism 30) Mountebank : particular type of clown, today it’s a scrupulous salesperson 31) Libation : alcohol drink used in a celebration 32) Jobbery : corrupt practice of making private gain of public office 33) Nexus : link between 2 things, series of connected people or things 34) Hubris: excessive pride or arrogance 35) Loquacious : very talkative 36) Nepotism : showing favor to a family member 37) Pedantic : ostentatious of one’s learning.

Someone who is intelligent and makes others aware of it. 38) Patronize : to behave condescendely, mock, make yourself superior.

Also, to patronize a store “Thank you for patronizing/shopping at our store” 39) Obtuse : not sharp, quick or alert in perception/stupid 40) Inauspicious : unfavorable, ill-omened (bad sign) 41) Germane : a connection between two topics 42) Flout : treat with disdain, scorn or contempt 43) Dichotomy : category, division into 2 parts.

Two mutually, exclusive, opposed or contradictory groups 44) Boorish : unmannered, crude or insensitive 45) Ambivalent : mixed feelings about something 46) Cumbersome : difficult to transport, move with difficulty, troublesome 47) Hodgepodge: mixture of something 48) Truncate: to cut into small pieces 49) Yahoo: a savage 50) Lilliputian: small. »


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