Devoir de Philosophie

Lieux et formes de pouvoir : définitions Cette notion est relativement liée à celle d'espaces et d'échanges. 0 Définition _es...

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« Lieux et formes de pouvoir : définitions Cette notion est relativement liée à celle d'espaces et d'échanges. 0 Définition _es lieux symboliques du pouvoir créent à la fois une unité natio ale et une visibilité internationale.

Ils sont aussi les points de ras;emblements, de manifestations publiques contre ce même pouvoir quand l'équilibre entre les institutions législatives, juridiques et politiques n'est pas respecté et qu'un mouvement citoyen s'engage à lutter contre un abus de pouvoir. $ Power (n.) [paU(-a)r]: power is the right or the ability to contrai people or things .

Power can refer to the political contrai of an area or the influence over other people. $ 1.

The representations of power • Symbolical places of power: the Oval Office and 10, Downing Street have corne to symbolise the American and the British executive powers.

ln Americans' minds, the Oval Office has become associated with the presidency itself, especially since President Richard Nixon spoke over the phone with the Apollo 11 astronauts on the Moon . 10, Downing Street is also linked with British Prime Ministers. • Television has done a lot for the popular symbolism of these places.

The same President, Richard Nixon, resigned from the Oval Office and on television.

Yes, PM, a British TV series has dramatised 10, Downing Street. $ 2.

Types of counter-power • The part played by the press ln the U.S., the press is called the fourth power.

Ever since the Watergate, journalists have proved able to disclose information, let alone expose scandais with the Monica-gate.

The American press has thus enjoyed the heroic image of counter power.

Yet, the poor quality of investigation when it came to attack Iraq somehow tarnished that image. Watergate: in 1973, journalists working for the Washington Post revealed that the Republicans had spied on the Democrats.

President Nixon had to resign. • The part played by the citizens Sorne public actions take.... »