Devoir de Philosophie

Education in Great Britain ? Education is compulsory from the age of 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) to the age of 16.

Publié le 05/04/2015

Extrait du document

Education in Great Britain ? Education is compulsory from the age of 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) to the age of 16. The system of education is divided into 3 stages: 1. Primary education 2. Secondary education 3. Higher education ? Before the start of formal schooling, many children attend nursery schools, also known as Pre-Schools (actually 47% of 3 and 4 year old children). Many nursery schools actually allow children to start in the term after that they are two and a half years old. ? Pre-schools are optional. These schools are often staffed by teachers and students in training. 1. PRIMARY EDUCATION ? Primary education is given to children between the ages of 5 to 11. Primary schools are divided into two parts: infant schools and junior schools. a. infant schools School year Reception Year 1 Year 2 Age 4-5 5-6 6-7 Children first attend Infant school from the age of 5 to 7. Actually English children enter the reception class of primary school in the next term after their fifth bir...

« Child ren study English, M athe matics, Science , Inf orm ation technolo gy, hist ory, Geog raphy , Mo dern foreign languag es, Art, Music, Phy sical Education a nd religio us Education.

 In Great Britain pa rents ha ve a choice b et ween State schools an d In depend ent schools.

State schools ar e scho ols run by th e g ov ern ment.

The y a re financed b y p ublic funds: t he money com es fro m the n ational a nd local taxes .In depend ent schools , als o called "public schools " are pri vate , expensi ve a nd elitist.

Their tradition al va lues a re ve ry strict.

These fee-pay ing schools also called pr epar atory schools pr epar e child ren for the Com mon Entrance Examin ation set by the independe nt schools.

M ost Ind epende nt schools a re bo arding sc hools.

The mo st fam ous ar e Rug by, Har row, Wincheste r, and Eton.

9 5% of p are nts pre fer State p rima ry schools whilst onl y 5% pref er In depend ent schools.

M ost sc hools in England require child ren to wear a sc hool u nifor m ( nor mall y w ith a lo go on th e cardi gan or jumper wh ich is sp ecial to that p articula r school ).


SECONDAR Y SCHOOL The usual age for tr ansfer from pri mary school to seconda ry sc hool is 11 (1 2 in Scotland ).Second ary schools pro vide co mpulso ry e ducation for child ren bet ween the a ges 11 to 16.O ve r 85% of sec ondary school pu pils attend C omprehen sive schools . Co mpre hensiv e schools are state scho ols, no n-selecti ve, free and co- e ducational.

They are of ten ve ry large schools.

Co mpre hensiv e scho ols w ere in troduc ed in 19 65.

The idea o f this fo rm of e ducation, supp orted b y the Labo ur Part y, was to gi ve all c hildren of w hateve r b ackgrou nd the same opportunity in educ ation.

Ther e are also Grammar sch ools .

These a re selective.

Entr ance is bas ed o n a test of ability .

Children ent er Gra mma r sch ools o n th e b asis of thei r a bilities, fi rst sittin g th e 1 1+ o r e ntra nce e xaminati on.

Up until th e1970 's ev ery c hild in England a nd Wales ha d to sit the 11+exa mination to d eter mine wh ich ty pe of seco ndary sc hool they would go to once th ey had left th eir prim ary school.

Those who pass ed the e xam successfully w ent to G ram mar sc hool.

Nowada ys onl y a few will take the exa m.Ther e can be state or indep endent sc hools.. »


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