Publié le 06/01/2014
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They areannouncing flightsoverthespeakers.
Wearenot listening.
Theydonot matter tous, because weare not going
I miss youalready, Oskar.Imissed youeven when Iwas with you.That's beenmyproblem.
Imiss what Ialready have,
and Isurround myselfwiththings thataremissing.
Every timeIput inanew page, Ilook atyour grandfather.
Iam sorelieved tosee hisface.
Itmakes mefeel safe.
shoulders arepinched.
Hisspine iscurved.
InDresden hewas agiant.
I'mglad thathishands arestill rough.
sculptures neverleftthem.
I didn't notice untilnowthatheisstill wearing hiswedding ring.Iwonder ifhe put iton when hecame backorifhe wore
it all those years.
Before Icame hereIlocked upthe apartment.
Iturned offthe lights andmade surenone ofthe faucets
It'shard tosay goodbye tothe place you've lived.Itcan beashard assaying goodbye toaperson.
Wemoved in
after wewere married.
Ithad more room thanhisapartment.
Weneeded it.We needed roomforallofthe animals, and
we needed roombetween us.Your grandfather boughtthemost expensive insurancepolicy.Aman from thecompany
came overtotake pictures.
Ifanything happened, theywould beable torebuild theapartment againexactly asitwas.
took aroll offilm.
Hetook apicture ofthe floor, apicture ofthe fireplace, apicture ofthe bathtub.
Inever confused what
I had with what Iwas.
When theman left,your grandfather tookouthisown camera andstarted takingmorepictures.
What areyou doing? Iasked him.
Better safethan sorry, hewrote.
Atthe time Ithought hewas right, butIam not sure anymore.
He took pictures ofeverything.
Ofthe undersides ofthe shelves inthe closet.
Ofthe backs ofthe mirrors.
Thethings youwould notwant toremember.
Hecould haverebuilt theapartment bytaping together thepictures.
And thedoorknobs.
Hetook apicture ofevery doorknob inthe apartment.
Everyone.Asifthe world anditsfuture
depended oneach doorknob.
Asifwe would bethinking aboutdoorknobs shouldweever actually needtouse the
pictures ofthem.
I don't know whythathurt mesomuch.
I told him, They arenot even nicedoorknobs.
He wrote, Butthey areour doorknobs.
I was histoo.
He never tookpictures ofme, andwedidn't buylifeinsurance.
He kept onesetofthe pictures inhis dresser.
Hetaped another setinto hisdaybooks, sothey'd always bewith him,in
case something happenedathome.
Our marriage wasnotunhappy, Oskar.Heknew howtomake melaugh.
Andsometimes Imade himlaugh.
Wehad to
make rules, butwho doesn't.
Thereisnothing wrongwithcompromising.
Evenifyou compromise almosteverything.
He got ajob atajewelry store,because heknew themachines.
Heworked sohard thatthey made himassistant manager,
and then manager.
Hedid not care about jewelry.
Hehated it.He used tosay jewelry isthe opposite ofsculpture.
But itwas aliving, andhepromised methat wasOK.
We gotour own store inaneighborhood thatwasnext toabad neighborhood.
Itwas open fromeleven inthe morning
until sixatnight.
But there wasalways worktobe done.
We spent ourlives making livings.
Sometimes hewould gotothe airport afterwork.
Iasked himtoget mepapers andmagazines.
Atfirst thiswas because I
wanted tolearn American expressions.
ButIgave upon that.
Istill asked himtogo.
Iknew thatheneeded mypermission
to go.
Itwas notoutofkindness thatIsent him.
We tried sohard.
Wewere always tryingtohelp each other.
Butnotbecause wewere helpless.
Heneeded toget things
for me, justasIneeded toget things forhim.
Itgave uspurpose.
Sometimes Iwould askhim forsomething thatIdid not
even want, justtolet him getitfor me.
Wespent ourdays trying tohelp each other helpeach other.
Iwould gethis
Hewould makemytea.
Iwould turnupthe heat sohe could turnupthe airconditioner soIcould turnupthe
Hishands didn'tlosetheir roughness.
It was Halloween.
Ourfirst inthe apartment.
Thedoorbell rang.Yourgrandfather wasatthe airport.
Iopened thedoor
and achild wasstanding thereinawhite sheetwithholes cutout forher eyes.
Trickortreat! shesaid.
Itook astep back.
Who isthat?
I'm aghost!
What areyou wearing thatfor?
It's Halloween!
I don't know whatthatmeans..
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