than a year ago.
Publié le 06/01/2014
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would begetting sohot that myskin would starttoget blisters.
Itwould feelsogood toget away fromtheheat, buton
the other hand, whenIhit the sidewalk Iwould die,obviously.
WhichwouldIchoose? WouldIjump orwould Iburn? I
guess Iwould jump,because thenIwouldn't havetofeel pain.
Onthe other hand, maybe Iwould burn,because thenI'd
at least have achance tosomehow escape,andeven ifIcouldn't, feelingpainisstill better thannotfeeling, isn'tit?
I remembered mycell phone.
I still had afew seconds.
Who should Icall?
What should Isay?
I thought aboutallofthe things thateveryone eversaystoeach other, andhow everyone isgoing todie, whether it'sina
millisecond, ordays, ormonths, or76.5 years, ifyou were justborn.
Everything that'sbornhastodie, which means our
lives arelike skyscrapers.
Thesmoke risesatdifferent speeds,butthey're allon fire, andwe're alltrapped.
You canseethemost beautiful thingsfromtheobservation deckofthe Empire StateBuilding.
Iread somewhere that
people onthe street aresupposed tolook likeants, butthat's nottrue.
They looklikelittle people.
Andthecars look like
little cars.
Andeven thebuildings looklittle.
It'slike New Yorkisaminiature replicaofNew York, which isnice, because
you canseewhat it'sreally like,instead ofhow itfeels when you're inthe middle ofit.It's extremely lonelyupthere, and
you feel faraway fromeverything.
Alsoit'sscary, because therearesomany waystodie.
Butitfeels safe, too,because
you're surrounded bysomany people.
Ikept onehand touching thewall asIwalked carefully aroundtoeach ofthe
Isaw allofthe locks I'dtried toopen, andthe161,999,831 thatIhadn't yet.
I got down onmy knees andcrawled toone ofthe binocular machines.
Iheld ittightly asIpulled myself up,and Itook a
quarter fromthechange dispenser onmy belt.
When themetal lidsopened, Icould seethings thatwere faraway
incredibly close,liketheWoolworth Building,andUnion Square, andthegigantic holewhere theWorld TradeCenter was.
I looked intothewindow ofan office building thatIguessed wasabout tenblocks away.Ittook meafew seconds to
figure outthefocus, butthen Icould seeaman sitting athis desk, writing something.
Whatwashewriting? Hedidn't look
at all like Dad, buthereminded meofDad.
Ipressed myface closer, andmynose gotsmooshed againstthecold metal.
He was left-handed likeDad.
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