Please forward us your résumé, including previous research experience, graduate and postgraduate transcripts, and two letters of recommendation.
Publié le 06/01/2014
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check iton this, too." Itold himIcould setupane-mail account forhim ifhe wanted.
Hesaid, "Yeah?" Itook his
device, whichIwasn't familiar with,butfigured outpretty quickly, andseteverything up.Isaid, "What doyou want fora
user name?" Isuggested "Allen,"or"AllenBlack," oranickname.
"Or'Engineer.' Thatcould becool." Heput hisfinger on
his mustache andthought aboutit.Iasked ifhe had anykids.
Hesaid, "Ason.
Soon he'sgoing tobe taller thanme.Taller
and smarter.
He'llbeagreat doctor.
Abrain surgeon.
Orlawyer forthe Supreme Court.""Well,youcould makeityour
son's name, although Iguess thatmight beconfusing." Hesaid, "Doorman." "What?""Makeit'Doorman.'" "Youcanmake
it anything youwant." "Doorman." Imade it"Doorman215," becausetherewerealready 214doormen.
Aswe were
leaving, hesaid, "Good luck,Oskar." Isaid, "How didyou know myname wasOskar?" Mr.Black said,"You toldhim."
When Igot home thatafternoon Isent himane-mail: "It'stoobad youdidn't knowanything aboutthekey, butitwas still
nice tomeet you."
While youcertainly expressyourself likeanintelligent youngman,without everhaving metyou, andknowing nothingof
your experience withscientific research, Ydhave ahard timewriting arecommendation.
Thanks forthe kind words aboutmywork, andbest ofluck with your explorations, scientificandotherwise.
Jane Goodall
Blackgotright tothe point: "Ijust can't help.
Sorry." Isaid, "Butwehaven't eventoldyouwhat weneed help
with." Hestarted gettingtearyandhesaid, "I'msorry," andclosed thedoor.
Mr.Black said,"Onward ho."Inodded, and
inside Ithought, Weird.
Thank youforyour letter.
Because ofthe large
volume ofmail Ireceive, Iam unable towrite
personal responses.
Nevertheless, knowthatI
read andsave every letter, withthehope ofone
day being abletogive each theproper response it
Stephen Hawking
week wasincredibly boring,exceptforwhen Iremembered thekey.
Even though Iknew thatthere were161,999,999
locks inNew Yorkthatitdidn't open,Istill feltlike itopened everything.
SometimesIliked totouch itjust toknow thatit
was there, likethepepper sprayIkept inmy pocket.
Orthe opposite ofthat.
Iadjusted thestring sothe keys—one tothe
apartment, onetoI-didn't-know-what—rested againstmyheart, whichwasnice, except theonly thing wasthat itfelt too
cold sometimes, soIput aBand-Aid onthat part ofmy chest, andthekeys rested onthat.
Monday wasboring.
On Tuesday afternoon Ihad togo toDr.
Ididn't understand whyIneeded help,because itseemed tome that you
should wear
heavy bootswhenyourdaddies, andifyou aren't wearing
heavyboots, then you
need help.ButIwent
anyway, becausetheraise inmy allowance depended onit.
"Hey, buddy." "Actually, I'mnot your buddy." "Right.Well.It'sgreat weather today,don'tyouthink? Ifyou want, we
could gooutside andtoss aball." "Yestothinking it'sgreat weather.
Notowanting totoss aball." "Yousure?" "Sports
aren't fascinating." "Whatdoyou find fascinating?" "Whatkindofanswer areyou looking for?""What makesyouthink
I'm looking forsomething?" "Whatmakesyouthink I'mahuge moron?" "Idon't thinkyou're ahuge moron.
Idon't think
you're anykind ofmoron." "Thanks." "Whydoyou think you're here,Oskar?" "I'mhere, Dr.Fein, because itupsets my
mom thatI'mhaving animpossible timewithmylife." "Should itupset her?""Notreally.
Lifeisimpossible." "Whenyou
say that you're having animpossible time,whatdoyou mean?" "I'mconstantly emotional." "Areyouemotional right
now?" "I'mextremely emotional rightnow." "What emotions areyou feeling?" "Allofthem." "Like..." "RightnowI'm
feeling sadness, happiness, anger,love,guilt, joy,shame, andalittle bitofhumor, because partofmy brain is
remembering somethinghilariousthatToothpaste oncedidthat Ican't talkabout." "Sounds likeyou're feeling anawful
lot." "HeputEx-Lax inthe pain
auchocolat we
sold atthe French Clubbake sale." "That is funny."
everything." "Thisemotionalness ofyours, doesitaffect yourdaily life?" "Well, toanswer yourquestion, Idon't think
that's areal word youused.
ButIunderstand whatyouwere trying tosay, andyes.
Iend upcrying alot,
usually inprivate.
It'sextremely hardforme togo toschool.
Ialso can't sleep overatfriends' apartments, becauseIget
panicky aboutbeingawayfromMom.
I'mnot very good withpeople." "Whatdoyou think isgoing on?""Ifeel toomuch.
That's what's goingon.""Doyouthink onecanfeel toomuch? Orjust feel inthe wrong ways?" "Myinsides don'tmatch
up with myout-sides." "Doanyone's insidesandoutsides matchup?""Idon't know.
I'monly me." "Maybe that'swhata
person's personality is:the difference betweentheinside andoutside." "Butit'sworse forme." "Iwonder ifeveryone
thinks it'sworse forhim." "Probably.
Butitreally isworse forme."
He sat back inhis chair andputhispen onhis desk.
"CanIask you apersonal question?" "It'safree country." "Haveyou
noticed anytiny hairs onyour scrotum?" "Scrotum." "Thescrotum isthe pouch atthe base ofyour penis thatholds your.
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