mention," I stirred my coffee.
Publié le 06/01/2014
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As for the bracelet Momworetothe funeral, whatIdid was Iconverted Dad'slastvoice message intoMorse code,andI
used sky-blue beadsforsilence, maroon beadsforbreaks between letters,violetbeads forbreaks between words,and
long andshort pieces ofstring between thebeads forlong andshort beeps, whichareactually calledblips,Ithink, or
Dadwould haveknown.
Ittook menine hours tomake, andIhad thought aboutgivingitto Sonny, the
homeless personwhoIsometimes seestanding outsidetheAlliance Française, becauseheputs meinheavy boots, or
maybe toLindy, theneat oldwoman whovolunteers togive tours atthe Museum ofNatural History, soIcould be
something specialtoher, oreven justtosomeone inawheelchair.
Butinstead Igave itto Mom.
Shesaid itwas thebest
gift she'd everreceived.
Iasked herifit was better thantheEdible Tsunami, fromwhen Iwas interested inedible
meteorological events.Shesaid, "Different." Iasked herifshe was inlove with Ron.
Shesaid, "Ron isagreat person,"
which wasananswer toaquestion Ididn't ask.SoIasked again.
"Trueorfalse: youareinlove with Ron." Sheputher
hand withthering onitin her hair andsaid, "Oskar, Ronismy friend.
Iwas going toask her ifshe was humping her
friend, andifshe had said yes,Iwould haverunaway, andifshe had said no,Iwould haveasked ifthey heavy-petted
each other, whichIknow about.
Iwanted totell her she shouldn't beplaying Scrabble yet.Orlooking inthe mirror.
turning thestereo anylouder thanwhat youneeded justtohear it.Itwasn't fairtoDad, anditwasn't fairtome.
buried itall inside me.Imade herother Morse codejewelry withDad's messages—a necklace,ananklet, somedangly
earrings, atiara—but thebracelet wasdefinitely themost beautiful, probablybecauseitwas thelast, which madeitthe
most precious.
Even after ayear, Istill had anextremely difficulttimedoing certain things,liketaking showers, forsome reason, and
getting intoelevators, obviously.
Therewasalot ofstuff thatmade mepanicky, likesuspension bridges,germs,airplanes,
fireworks, Arabpeople onthe subway (eventhough I'mnot racist), Arabpeople inrestaurants andcoffee shopsandother
public places, scaffolding, sewersandsubway grates,bagswithout owners, shoes,people withmustaches, smoke,knots,
tall buildings, turbans.Alot ofthe time I'dget that feeling likeIwas inthe middle ofahuge black ocean, orindeep space,
but not inthe fascinating way.It'sjust that everything wasincredibly faraway fromme.Itwas worst atnight.
inventing things,andthen Icouldn't stop,likebeavers, whichIknow about.
People thinktheycutdown treessothey can
build dams, butinreality it'sbecause theirteeth never stopgrowing, andifthey didn't constantly filethem down by
cutting through allofthose trees, theirteeth would starttogrow intotheir ownfaces, which would killthem.
That's how
my brain was.
One night, afterwhat feltlike agoogolplex inventions, Iwent toDad's closet.
Weused toGreco-Roman wrestleonthe
floor inthere, andtellhilarious jokes,andonce wehung apendulum fromtheceiling andputacircle ofdominoes onthe
floor toprove thattheearth rotated.
ButIhadn't gonebackinsince hedied.
Mom waswith Roninthe living room,
listening tomusic tooloud andplaying boardgames.
Shewasn't missing Dad.Iheld thedoorknob forawhile before I
turned it.
Even though Dad'scoffin wasempty, hiscloset wasfull.And even aftermore thanayear, itstill smelled likeshaving.
touched allofhis white T-shirts.
Itouched hisfancy watch thathenever woreandtheextra lacesforhissneakers that
would neverrunaround thereservoir again.Iput myhands intothepockets ofall ofhis jackets (Ifound areceipt fora
cab, awrapper fromaminiature Krackle,andthebusiness cardofadiamond supplier).
Iput myfeet intohisslippers.
looked atmyself inhis metal shoehorn.
Theaverage personfallsasleep inseven minutes, butIcouldn't sleep,notafter
hours, anditmade myboots lighter tobe around histhings, andtotouch stuffthathehad touched, andtomake the
hangers hangalittle straighter, eventhough Iknew itdidn't matter.
His tuxedo wasover thechair heused tosit on when hetied hisshoes, andIthought, Weird.
wasn't ithung upwith
his suits? Hadhecome fromafancy partythenight before hedied? Butthen whywould hehave taken offhis tuxedo
without hanging itup? Maybe itneeded tobe cleaned? ButIdidn't remember afancy party.
Iremembered himtucking
me in,and uslistening toaperson speaking Greekonthe shortwave radio,andhim telling meastory about NewYork's
sixth borough.
IfIhadn't noticed anything elseweird, Iwouldn't havethought aboutthetuxedo again.ButIstarted
noticing alot.
There wasapretty bluevase onthe highest shelf.What wasapretty bluevase doing wayupthere? Icouldn't reachit,
obviously, soImoved overthechair withthetuxedo stillonit,and then Iwent tomy room toget the Collected
Shakespeare set
that Grandma boughtforme when shefound outthat Iwas going tobe Yorick, andIbrought thoseover,
four tragedies atatime, untilIhad astack thatwastallenough.
Istood onallofthat anditworked forasecond.
I had thetips ofmy fingers onthe vase, andthetragedies startedtowobble, andthetuxedo wasincredibly distracting,
and thenext thing wasthat everything wasonthe floor, including me,andincluding thevase, which hadshattered.
didn't doit!" Ihollered, butthey didn't evenhearme,because theywere playing musictooloud andcracking uptoo
Izipped myselfallthe way intothesleeping bagofmyself, notbecause Iwas hurt, andnotbecause Ihad broken.
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