HEAVY BOOTS HEAVIER BOOTS Twelve weekends later was the first performance of Hamlet, although it was actually an abbreviated modern version, because the real Hamlet is too long and confusing, and most of the kids in my class have ADD.
Publié le 06/01/2014
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weekends laterwasthefirst performance of Hamlet, although
itwas actually anabbreviated modernversion,
because thereal Hamlet is
too long andconfusing, andmost ofthe kids inmy class have ADD.
Forexample, thefamous
"To beornot tobe" speech, whichIknow about fromthe Collected
Shakespeare set
Grandma boughtme,was cutdown
so that itwas just, "Tobeornot tobe, that's thequestion."
Everyone hadtohave apart, butthere weren't enoughrealparts, andIdidn't gotothe auditions becausemyboots were
too heavy togo toschool thatday, soIgot the part ofYorick.
Atfirst that made meself-conscious.
Isuggested toMrs.
Rigley thatmaybe Icould justplay tambourine inthe orchestra orsomething.
Shesaid, "There isno orchestra." Isaid,
"Still." Shetold me,"It'll beterrific.
You'llwearallblack, andthemakeup crewwillpaint yourhands andneck black, and
the costume crewwillcreate somesortofapapier-mache skullforyou towear overyour head.
It'llreally givetheillusion
that youdon't haveabody." Ithought aboutthatforaminute, andthen Itold hermybetter idea."What I'lldo is,I'll
invent aninvisibility suitthat hasacamera onmy back thattakes video ofeverything behindmeand plays iton aplasma
screen thatI'llwear onmy front, which willcover everything exceptmyface.
It'lllook likeI'mnot there atall." Shesaid,
"Nifty." Isaid, "ButisYorick evenapart?" Shewhispered intomyear, "Ifanything, I'mafraid you'llstealtheshow." ThenI
was excited tobe Yorick.
Opening nightwaspretty great.Wehad afog machine, sothe cemetery wasjustlikeacemetery inamovie.
Yorick!" JimmySnyder said,holding myface, "Iknew him,Horatio." Ididn't haveaplasma screen, because thecostumes
budget wasn'tbigenough, butfrom underneath theskull Icould lookaround without anyonenoticing.
Isaw lotsof
people Iknew, whichmademefeel special.
MomandRon andGrandma werethere, obviously.
Toothpaste wasthere
with Mr.and Mrs.
Hamilton, whichwasnice, andMr.and Mrs.
Minch werethere, too,because TheMinch was
Alot ofthe Blacks thatIhad met inthose twelve weekends werethere.
were there.
(Theywereactually sittingnexttoeach other, although theydidn't realize it.)Isaw Albert andAlice andAllen
and Arnold andBarbara andBarry.
Theymust havebeen halftheaudience.
Butwhat wasweird wasthat they didn't know
what theyhadincommon, whichwaskind oflike how Ididn't knowwhatthethumbtack, thebent spoon, thesquare of
aluminum foil,andallthose otherthings Idug upinCentral Parkhadtodo with each other.
I was incredibly nervous,butImaintained myconfidence, andIwas extremely subtle.Iknow, because therewasa
standing ovation,whichmademefeel likeone hundred dollars.
The second performance wasalso pretty great.Momwasthere, butRon hadtowork late.That wasOK,though, because I
didn't wanthimthere anyway.
Grandma wasthere, obviously.
Ididn't seeany ofthe Blacks, butIknew thatmost people
go toonly oneshow unless they're yourparents, soIdidn't feeltoobad about that.Itried togive anextraspecial
performance, andIthink Idid.
"Alas, poorYorick.
Iknew him,Horatio; areally funny andexcellent guy.Iused toride on
his back allthe time, andnow, it'ssoawful tothink about!"
Only Grandma camethenext night.
Momhadalate meeting becauseoneofher cases wasabout togo totrial, andI
didn't askwhere Ronwasbecause Iwas embarrassed, andIdidn't wanthimthere anyway.
AsIwas standing asstill asI
could, withJimmy Snyder's handunder mychin, Iwondered, What's
thepoint ofgiving anextremely subtleperformance
if basically noone iswatching?
didn'tcomebackstage tosay hibefore theperformance thenext night, orbye after, butIsaw that shewas
Through theeye sockets Icould seeherstanding inthe back ofthe gym, underneath thebasketball hoop.Her
makeup wasabsorbing thelighting inafascinating way,which madeherlook almost ultraviolet.
"Alas,poorYorick." Iwas
as still asIcould be,and thewhole timeIwas thinking, What
trialismore important thanthegreatest playinhistory?
next performance wasonly Grandma again.Shecried atall the wrong timesandcracked upatall the wrong times.
She applauded whentheaudience foundoutthenews thatOphelia drowned, whichissupposed tobe bad news, andshe
booed whenHamlet scoredhisfirst point inthe duel against Laertes atthe end, which isgood, forobvious reasons.
"This iswhere hislips were thatIused tokiss alot.
Where areyour jokes now,yourgames, yoursongs?"
Backstage, beforeclosing night,Jimmy Snyder imitated Grandma tothe rest ofthe cast andcrew.
Iguess Ihadn't realized
how loud shewas.
Ihad gotten soangry atmyself fornoticing her,butIwas wrong, itwas herfault.
Everyone noticed.
Jimmy didher exactly right—the waysheswatted herlefthand atsomething funny,likethere wasafly infront ofher
Theway shetilted herhead, likeshe was concentrating incrediblyhardonsomething, andhow shesneezed andtold
herself, "Godblessme."Andhow shecried andsaid, "That's sad,"soeveryone couldhearit.
I sat there whilehemade allthe kids crack up.Even Mrs.Rigley cracked up,and sodid her husband, whoplayed thepiano
during thesetchanges.
Ididn't mention thatshewas mygrandma, andIdidn't tellhim tostop.
Outside, Iwas cracking up
Inside, Iwas wishing thatshewere tucked awayinaportable pocket,orthat she'd alsohadaninvisibility suit.I
wished thetwo ofus could gosomewhere faraway, liketheSixth Borough.
She was there againthatnight, inthe back row,although onlythefirst three rowswere taken.
Iwatched herfrom under
the skull.
Shehad herhand pressed againstherultraviolet heart,andIcould hearhersaying, "That's sad.That's sosad." I
thought abouttheunfinished scarf,andtherock shecarried acrossBroadway, andhow shehad lived somuch lifebut still
needed imaginary friends,andtheone thousand thumbwars..
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