five or fifty minutes.
Publié le 06/01/2014
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I read thefirst chapter of A
Brief History ofTime when
Dadwasstillalive, andIgot incredibly heavybootsabout how
relatively insignificant lifeis,and how, compared tothe universe andcompared totime, itdidn't evenmatter ifIexisted
at all.
When Dadwastucking meinthat night andwewere talking aboutthebook, Iasked ifhe could thinkofasolution
to that problem.
"Whichproblem?" "Theproblem ofhow relatively insignificant weare." Hesaid, "Well, whatwould
happen ifaplane dropped youinthe middle ofthe Sahara Desertandyoupicked upasingle grainofsand withtweezers
and moved itone millimeter?" Isaid, "I'dprobably dieofdehydration." Hesaid, "Ijust mean rightthen, when youmoved
that single grainofsand.
What would thatmean?" Isaid, "Idunno, what?" Hesaid, "Think aboutit."Ithought aboutit."I
guess Iwould havemoved agrain ofsand." "Which wouldmean?" "WhichwouldmeanImoved agrain ofsand?" "Which
would meanyouchanged theSahara." "So?"" So? So
the Sahara isavast desert.
Andithas existed formillions ofyears.
And youchanged it!""That's true!"Isaid, sitting up."Ichanged theSahara!" "Whichmeans?" hesaid.
"What? Tellme."
"Well, I'mnot talking aboutpainting the Mona
Lisa or
curing cancer.
I'mjust talking aboutmoving thatonegrain ofsand
one millimeter." "Yeah?""Ifyou hadn't done
it,human historywouldhavebeen oneway..." "Uh-huh?" "Butyou did do
it, so ...?"
Istood onthe bed, pointed myfingers atthe fake stars, andscreamed: "Ichanged thecourse ofhuman
history!" "That'sright.""Ichanged theuniverse!" "Youdid.""I'mGod!" "You're anatheist." "Idon't exist!" Ifell back onto
the bed, intohisarms, andwecracked uptogether.
That waskind ofhow Ifelt when Idecided thatIwould meetevery person inNew Yorkwiththelast name Black.
was relatively insignificant, itwas something, andIneeded todo something, likesharks, whodieifthey don't swim, which
I know about.
I decided thatIwould gothrough thenames alphabetically, fromAaron toZyna, eventhough itwould havebeen amore
efficient methodtodo itby geographical zones.Another thingIdecided wasthat Iwould beassecretive aboutmy
mission asIcould athome, andashonest aboutitas Icould outside home,because that'swhatwasnecessary.
asked me,"Where areyou going andwhen willyou beback?" Iwould tellher, "Out, later." Butifone ofthe Blacks
wanted toknow something, Iwould telleverything.
Myother ruleswere thatIwouldn't besexist again, orracist, or
ageist, orhomophobic, oroverly wimpy, ordiscriminatory tohandicapped peopleormental retards, andalso that I
wouldn't lieunless Iabsolutely hadto,which Idid alot.
Iput together aspecial fieldkitwith some ofthe things Iwas
going toneed, likeaMagnum flashlight, ChapStick, someFigNewtons, plasticbagsforimportant evidenceandlitter, my
cell phone, thescript for Hamlet
(so I
could memorize mystage directions whileIwas going fromoneplace toanother,
because Ididn't haveanylines tomemorize), atopographical mapofNew York, iodine pillsincase ofadirty bomb, my
white gloves, obviously, acouple ofboxes ofJuicy Juice, amagnifying glass,my Larousse
PocketDictionary, and
of other useful stuff.Iwas ready togo.
On my way out,Stan said, "What aday!" Isaid, "Yeah." Heasked, "What's onthe menu?" Ishowed himthekey.
"Lox?" Isaid, "Hilarious, butIdon't eatanything withparents." Heshook hishead andsaid, "Icouldn't helpmyself.
what's onthe menu?" "Queens andGreenwich Village.""Youmean Gren -ich
Village?" Thatwasmyfirst disappointment
of the expedition, becauseIthought itwas pronounced phonetically, whichwould havebeen afascinating clue.
It took methree hours andforty-one minutestowalk toAaron Black,because publictransportation makesmepanicky,
even though walking overbridges alsomakes mepanicky.
Dadused tosay that sometimes youhave toput your fears in
order, andthat wasoneofthose times.
Iwalked acrossAmsterdam Avenue,andColumbus Avenue,andCentral Park,and
Fifth Avenue, andMadison Avenue,andPark Avenue, andLexington Avenue,andThird Avenue, andSecond Avenue.
When Iwas exactly halfway acrosstheFifty-ninth StreetBridge, Ithought abouthowamillimeter behindmewas
Manhattan andamillimeter infront ofme was Queens.
Sowhat's thename ofthe parts ofNew York—exactly halfway
through theMidtown Tunnel,exactlyhalfway overtheBrooklyn Bridge,theexact middle ofthe Staten IslandFerrywhen
it's exactly halfway between Manhattan andStaten Island—that aren'tinany borough?
I took astep forward, anditwas myfirst time inQueens.
I walked through LongIsland City,Woodside, Elmhurst,andJackson Heights.
Ishook mytambourine thewhole time,
because ithelped meremember thateven though Iwas going through different neighborhoods, Iwas stillme.
When I
finally gottothe building, Icouldn't figureoutwhere thedoorman was.Atfirst Ithought maybehewas justgetting some
coffee, butIwaited around forafew minutes andhedidn't come.
Ilooked through thedoor andsaw that there wasno
desk forhim.
Ithought, Weird.
tried mykey inthe lock, butitdidn't goinpast thetip.Isaw adevice withabutton foreach apartment, soIpressed the
button forA.Black's apartment, whichwas9E.Noone answered.
Ipressed itagain.
Iheld down thebuzzer for
fifteen seconds.
Isat down onthe ground andwondered ifit would beoverly wimpy tocry inthe lobby ofan.
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