Don't cry, I said, by putting my fingers on my face and pushing imaginary tears up my cheeks and back into my eyes.
Publié le 06/01/2014
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He took hispen from hisshirt pocket andthetop napkin fromthestack onthe table.
He wrote, Youwere happy whenIwas away.
How could youthink that?
We arelying toourselves andtoeach other.
Lying about what? Idon't careifwe're lying.
I am abad person.
I don't care.Idon't carewhat youare.
I can't.
What's killingyou?
He took another napkinfromthestack.
He wrote, You'rekillingme.
And then Iwas silent.
He wrote, Youremind me.
I put myhands onthe table andtold him, Youhave me.
He took another napkinandwrote, Annawaspregnant.
I told him, Iknow.
Shetold me.
You know?
I didn't thinkyouknew.
Shesaid itwas asecret.
I'mglad youknow.
He wrote, I'msorry Iknow.
It's better tolose than never tohave had.
I lost something Inever had.
You hadeverything.
When didshe tellyou?
We were inbed talking.
He pointed at,When.
Near theend.
What didshe say?
She said, I'mgoing tohave ababy.
Was shehappy?
She was overjoyed.
Why didn't yousayanything?
Why didn't you?
In my dream, peopleapologized forthings thatwere about tohappen, andlitcandles byinhaling.
I have been seeing Oskar,hewrote.
I know.
You know?
Of course Iknow.
He flipped backto,Why didn't yousayanything?
Why didn't you?
The alphabet wentz,y, x,w ...
The clocks wenttock-tick, tock-tick...
He wrote, Iwas with himlastnight.
That's where Iwas.
Iburied theletters.
What letters?
The letters Inever sent.
Buried themwhere?
In the ground.
That'swhere Iwas.
Iburied thekey, too.
What key?
To your apartment.
Our apartment.
He put hishands onthe table.
Lovers pulledupeach other's underwear, buttonedeachother's shirts,anddressed anddressed anddressed.
I told him, Sayit.
When Isaw Anna forthe last time.
Say it.
When we.
Say it!.
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