oral d'anglais sur le theme du cinema et de la vie futur!
Publié le 30/09/2012
Extrait du document
« have chip s an d a Pepsi Max? ” M: N o stop to dream, and there isn't w ater on Mars . S o how do y ou think there is some Pepsi! I t's totally unrealistic, stop to dream gu ys! More over why go to Mars Donald ’s to eat a hamburger and chips while there are McDonalds everywhere on Earth ! B: I think when the humanities have the possibility to go to another planet; the scientific have find a way to find water. M: Before to find a way to find some water on Mars, they must first find a way to breathe on Mars and to stand the cold there is out there G: It depends. You'd rather die of cold on Mars or of heat on Earth? M: W e will not die of heat on Earth, today ecology do so much effort to resolve the troubles of the atmosphere and global warming B: even if the ecology tries to resolve this problem, the population of all over the world consumes energy that is product by central. And this central produce carbon who discloc the ozone layer and the temperature of the earth going to increase M: I don't agree, with the technological evolution soon we will not pollute the Earth. Take for example the electric car or the photovoltaic panel B: but the construction of this material need material who is doesn't ecological label G: To my mind. The only way to survive is to settle on the moon or other planets. Thus maybe we could create a best world. . M: Huush. It’s starting! G: Have a good movie! . »
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