Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 26/11/2016

Extrait du document

We are going to talk about the concept of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, according to the dictionnary definition Exchanges « is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else (…) these exchanges can take several forms:  economic, cultural and movement of people ». In class, we focused on one form of exchange : the immigration in the USA. immigration in the United States has always existed and it's one of the first places people turn to when it comes to migration. This large influx of immigrants occupies a considerable amount of land spaces as well the country's ressources and here we ask us why people immigrate to the USA and what are the consequences of immigration ? These immigrants are leaving their own country for numerous reason and they settle in another country They can leave their country to escape from poverty, to find a better job. The most immigran...

« In conclusion we can visualise people leaving their country of origin to move to USA, for numerous reasons.

They left their country to escape from poverty, war and to have a better life.

However, immigrants realised that the American Dream is just an illusion and struggled to make money to support their family.

Then, many difficulties are caused by the migration : immigrants have difficulty to get documented and became a citizen and they have difficulty to integrate in the new country.. »


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