Publié le 19/12/2012
Extrait du document
The USA is facing an important and increasing issue: illegal immigration.
In 2011, the Pew Hispanic Center estimated that the number of illegal
immigrants had reached 11.5 millions of people.
Moreover, 58% of this
population was from Mexico according to the same institute.
This population represents an issue for authorities because they can be
criminals: 216 698 criminals were arrested when sneaking across the border
between the USA and Mexico in 2011 in accordance with the US Immigration
and Customs Enforcement.
Furthermore, these people represent easy preys for
big companies who see them as a cheap labour.
First of all, the government has to strengthen the border control to regulate
the flow of immigrants.
The USA has to prevent illegal migrants to cross over
the border.
At the same time, the USA should provide the immigrants with the
means of accessing a better life.
For example, the government can sue
companies employing illegal immigrants.
It also can set up “schools” for
immigrants in order to teach them language and values of the USA.
This could
facilitate the insertion of immigrants into the society.
To put it in a nutshell, the USA has to offer the illegal population a better
way of life.
The government has to listen to these people and try to find ways of
containing illegal immigration, which is becoming an increasing issue.
Louis Delannoy TS2 English Work.