Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 30/04/2013

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( ~-.... \r o...A. ~ Corrigé devol' expression écrite terminale Relevé des e eurs fr~gllentes ES -S + points dans vos copies de grammaire attention! He tells liS Jout his story /Iife [history = subject studied at school] 2. the lid: he started afresh 1 anew in America. 3. He WltotC this song t~ JI~iA\\pcestors. r~ 4. The slng was writtcïlBf'Bi'ûcg.'S1*'ln~li: a famous American S'migwi'ilë'f1iiid 5. He fe Is quite grateful !Q them fol' theil' c.w;runi_I).p.<îI~t..alld bard WOI·k. their o feel avec des adjectifs de selltiri1~"""'''' (ll~ toto distinguer l'adjectifdu nom adj =) gratefulll noun =} grafèlhtlness ( envers =) to / towards) olne pas confondre le pronom complément d.m..1l.l et l'adjectif possessifulïeir de la 3eme'personne du pluriel la préposition .FOR suivi d'un nom ou du vere en ING indique la cause =} ici because they had committed themselves and worked hard, Somc of them enriched themselves / got wealthy / g~\~~iches while othe rs mçre'il lived / had lied a decent life fa .. f..olll unemployment [ =} withou! bei:1I8 unem . loyed] somc otbcrs =} certains / d'autres s'enri . tir = enrich oneself (pronom yourselves / themselves) =} rénéchi myself / yoursel f / plur : ourselves / 7. He w311ted!Q 'ZQutalrfaifB live / have a better 1 hel~oin rejointlre qn =} joill somcdm!tà CORl(,témeut] 10. Vou can Jet rich and esc:: poverty devel{u' riche =o'} get l'ich provided désigne oule la ClItégorie des pauvres / on condition pronom the + N. that you work hard. échapber à la pauvreté =} CSClipC POVCltPtravairler dur =} wo ..l, hal'cl =} atten...

« Pensez à, euchnîner vosphrases demanière logiqueetcohérente enurilisaut des1II0ts de liàisonl "' - ici although =bien que ' , 1 37.

America helpedtheimmigrants achievetheirdream aider qnàfaireqch =}help SO+DV 38.

this song jims atshowing /emphusizmg theimmigrnnts' determination andstreugth of will viser à, ayoiJ' pourbutd~,=} aimat + V-ing pensez àutiliser le '5 pour la possession 39, theAmeri~an dreamIIccol'ding towhich everything ispossible /you canmake itin America the.skyisthe limit - selon leqel = according towhich 40, Besides ù1 yworked 50 hard thatsorne of them even died en outre, rI al' ailleurs =} besides tellement ..que =}so...thar même =} ven 41, Ihey drea~t ofbecoming rich rêver de =;} dl'cam of+V-ing Once youhnve l'~'ld thissheet careflllly severnltimes,memorize thevocabul:u'y nud structul'CS, 21. Hthey hadIlotwOI'I(ed hard ru. they actually hadtheir descendants wouldu'thavebeell llble tolive adécent living/Iife inAmerica. Irréel dupassé dslasubordonnée enIF =}concordance destemps il connaître pm' cœur =} Il' +rLU1'ERFECT =} conditionnel passé=}would have+PlI. 22, Ifthey -had notbeen there - had notennrributcd tobuilding thenation, theywouldn't havebeenableto make itstronger, ~ 23.

Hesays thatAmerica isan opportunity fOI'Immigrants tosucceed dire que=} saythnt souvent lastructure infinitivecuanglais =}for + N, ou pronom complément TO+verb. 24, The texrdeals with parler de(traiter de) =) deal with 25.

They thought thatlifewonld becasier inAmerica. 26, However theyhadtowork Izardtohave adecent life1to make bothendsmeet cependant =}howevcl' /ncvertheless joindre lesdeux bouts =}mllke bothends meet devoir =} have to 27, hepays tribute tothe immigrants who ~iml11igrés !l!!! ~" ~m ~ôA.

~~. ~, ~. »