Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 08/11/2023

Extrait du document

« « LA MARSEILLAISE » SCENE – CASABALANCA. The "La Marseillaise" scene directly follows an exchange between Rick and Victor, and just as the tension between the two characters seems to be easing, the German soldiers in the bar start singing a German song (Die Wacht eim Rein").

This song is a reflection of German oppression during the Second World War, the period in which the film is set, and so added tension to the scene, with Captain Renault and Rick exchanging looks of disapproval, and it was at this point that Victor decided to intervene by going to the bar band and ordering them to play "La Marseillaise".

After a moment's hesitation, the leader looked at Rick, waiting to see if he could play it, and we feel the fears of this opposition to the invader's song.

It was at this point that, with a simple nod of his head, Rick took his first step towards the resistant cause, with a simple gesture launching the blaze that Victor had wanted to light just before.

It was also an agreement between the two men to stand together against the Germans and their oppressive regime.

It's a choice that Captain Renault seems to have endorsed, a potential beginning of redemption for this soldier fighting.... »

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