Catégorie : Langues
ALDOUS HUXLEY (Brave New World Revisited). (1964, CHATTO and WINDUS, p. 75, LONDON)
these violent words with even more violent gestures. He would yell, he would scream, his veins would swell, his face would turn purple. Strong emotion (as every actor and dramatist Jmows) is in the highest degree contagious. Infected by the malignant frenzy of the orator, the audience would groan and sob and scream in an orgy of uninhibited passion. And these orgies were so enjoyable that most of those who bad experienced them eagerly came...
the last of the optimists these days in America, and in a funny way, they balance the outrageous pessimism of ali other writers of our time. 1. Commentaire dirigé JAMES RESTON, International Herald Tribune, Monday, December 15, 1975. 1) In what way can an advertisement be a bit of a fraud? 2) What does a street look like when the dustmen are on strike? 3) How does the author show that he did not write this article in praise of advertising?...
often only telling the parents tbat their babies were stillbom. But public discussion of this unpleasant alternative is a relati vely new phenomenon. Doctors and hospital officiais across the U.S. are now openly acknowledging tbat there are cases in which ali concemed agree that the best-and perbaps even the most humane-treatment for a severely deformed infant is none at ali .•. ... As a result, the painful decision to treat or not to treat...
our apartment door. The corridor was long: doors, doors. The iUuminated ceiling was decorated with stars of different sizes; the .colours were grey and blue and gold. Below that imitation sky 1 felt like a prisoner. V. S. NAIPAUL. In a free state. 1971, p. 26-27, in Penguin Books Edition. 1973. 1. Commentaire dirigé 1) What are the elements that cause the lndian narrator's surprise in Washington? Does he feel happy in his new sur roundings?...
When people talk about euthanasia (1), they always insist on the right to live and say that cases like this young boy's are very unusual. But sooner or later we bave got to realise tbat we are produclng so-called unusual cases by the hundreds. Of course no-one bas the right to take another's life. But our hospitals are already full of old people who are carefully being kept balf alive, although we know that they wiU never be nor...
James BALDWIN, Go Tell it on the Mountain
Tben he remembered his father and his mother, abd ali the arms stretched out to hold him back, to save him from this city where, they said, his soul would find perdition. And certainly perdition sucked at the feet of the people who walked there; and cried in the lights, in the gjgantic towers; the marks of Satan coulcfbe found in the faces of the people who waited at the doors of movie bouses; his words were printed on the great...
World War II bave sbarply limited the market for unskilled labor... Frustrated youths, unable to find work, become bored and cynical, convinced that life is a racket, that social responsi bility is a joke. TIME ESSAY, Time, March 24, 1967. 1. Commentaire dirigé 1) What is the effect of the fear of crime on the different cate gories of individuals? How do they react? 2) Comment upon the following statement: "There is a growing tende...
In their place will be "megastructures" complete with their own housing units, streets and transit systems. While ali this might sound like a futurist vision, the truth is that the planners have looked hack as often as forward. Their stress is on old fashioned values- "good food, good friends, and a good rela tionship with the earth ", Pinney sa ys. That means a return to windmills for sorne electrical power, to cottage industries for sorne em...
ing (1) people with unnecessary skills? H only people would open their eyes and stop living in the past, life could be so much easier and more pleasurable. It is up to us to give the future generations a good start in life. So let's begin by scrapping (2) the postal system (who can alford to send letters these days, anyway ?) and introducing cheap telephones so that every home bas one; and let's use more symbols (as is already done with moder...
The greatest ride in my life
harvests; their old men bad given them leave tobit the road for a sommer. There were two young city boys from Columbus, Ohio, high school football players, chewing gum, singing in the breeze, and they said they were hitchhiking around the United States for the sommer. "We're going to LA (1)!" they yelled. "What are you going to do there ?" "Hell, we don't know. Who cares ?" ..• 1 was glad when the two Minnesota farmboys who owned the t...
DRIVING corrigé du bac
1. Commentaire dirigé 1) Do you agree with the author about the main cause of road accidents? Can you think of other causes? 2) Why can we consider J. B. Priestley a most unusual car owner? 3) Sorne people think that cars are a nuisance in our modem world. To what extent are they right? 4) Would you spend your first year's salary on a car? State your reasons. 2. Version Traduire de "Spend an hour ... " à "up and down the country"....
Granted, a preponderance of Germans is a characteristic that seems common to most Mediterranean sites; but as there is no overwhelmingly specialized patronage (1) ... Whether the remarkable growth of organized camping means the eventual death of the more independent kind is hard to say. Most probably it will ali depend upon campers themselves: how many heath tires they cause; how much litter they leave; in short, whether or not they wholly...
It was some years ago that IJIY wife and 1 and our friends first began to catch on to these roads. We. took them once in a while for variety or for a shortcut to another main highway, and each time the scenery was grand and we left the road with a feeling of relaxation and enjoyment. We did this time after time before realizing what should have been obvious: these roads are truly different from the main ones. The whole pace (1) of lif...
Carol found employment in the bureau of War Risk Insurance
1. Commentaire dirigé 1) Do you think that Carol's job justifies the phrase': "She felt the whole of a human t?eing" in the last sentence? 2) Are y ou in favour of women working? Why or wh y not? 3) Should ali kinds of work be accessible to women? 2. Version Traduire depuis : "She perceived that she could ... " jusqu'à la fin. 1) Do you think that Carol's job justifies the phrase: "She felt the whole of a human being" in...
architects of France to build eight picturesque peasant farms beside ber Petit Trianon. They were perfect-right down to porcelain vases from Sèvres used for milking the cows. Nostalgia selects only wliat is agreeable, and even that it distorts or turns into mytb. , The past is an illusion just as much as the future; it is utopia in reverse. The cult of the past may have developed as an antidote to the cult of the future, as a protectio...
who would not work if we bad the chance. However true this might be as applied to us in a moral sense, it certainly was not a literai fact, for we were small men. People who, not seeing us, would read this remark in the local paper, would be misled as to our personal appearance. W. H.- DA VIES, The autobiography of a super tramp. 1. Commentaire dirigé 1) Pick out details in the text showing that there really are "delightful w...
leisured people voluntarily abandon themselves to a servitude of amusement and social duties, more pointless tban work and often quite as arduous. Consider another point often insisted upon by the prophets of Utopia. "Travel", they say (and with reason), "is a liberal education. Freedom to travel bas been a privllege reserved to the rich. Leisure, with cheap and rapid transport, will make this privilege accessible to ali. Therefore ali will re...
1. Commentaire dirigé 1) Why does the contemporary writer compare scientists with the sorcerer's apprentice or Frankenstein? 2) Do you agree with the writer when he declares that "scien tists have been a favourite scapegoat"? 3) What are the achievements of science which seem to you: a) most beneficiai to mankind? b) most dangerous to mankind? 4) As a conclusion, do y ou agree with the final statement of the author: "Science has merely...
Bilinguisme au Canada
Bilinguisme es 4 Malgré la • loi 22 •, J'anglais continuait d'être la lan gue la plus employée dans le secteur privé, particuliè rement à Montréal où se concentrent les tensions entre groupes ethniques et québecols, anglophones et franco phones. En 1977, une nouvelle loi (loi 101} a fait du français la seule langue oHiclelle du Québec. 5 Parallèlement à l'Insatisfaction des Canadiens fran çais se développent le nationalisme et le sépara...
Podrìa dar la clase en castellano ?
catalanes son muy orgullosos de sus identidad y el profesor le muestra muy bien cuando dice « Si usted quiere hablar espa ñol , se va a Madrid o se va a Suramérica » (l.16-17 ) porque pone de realce la oposiciòn entre los catalanes y otros espa ñoles . Por consiguiente , dar la clase en catalan es una manera para el profesor de reivindicar su propia identidad. II.Un simbòl cultural de identidad. En la secunda parte del texto, los estudiantes del programa Erasmus estan en un bar co...