Catégorie : Langues
pratique de l'écriture alphabétique, a eu pour conséquence de rendre désormais visibles, de manière permanente, les propriétés sonores de la face "représentante" des signes. Tant que les écritures relevaient de l'idéographie, les humains ne disposaient d'aucunes traces matérielles.
Italien il progresso
Il documento tre parla della storia di Antonio Meucci, inventore del telephono.Il telefono è un grande progresso perche permette di collegare le persone nel mondo.Con la sua invenzione ha facilitato la nostra vita. Il documento quattropresenta il robot umanoide Icub. E in grado di scrivere, di afferare (saisir) quelcosa e riconoscere un oggetto al tatto. Gli scienziati spiegano che questo robot saprebbe aiutare persone chi hanno bisogno di soccorso. Ma questo robot potrebbe sostituire gli ess...
what is progress
In the XIXth century the "progress" became an economic notion, then became scientific. It is late r still that it has been joined by the notion of innovation. Progress = potentiality XXth century, by analyzing the impact of the technical progress on the working population, the demographer and the economist Alfred Sauvy introduces the distinction between " processif progress " and " recessive progress ". Progressive = benefit to the dominants; processif beneficit to the dominated....
Dialogue - Anglais - Restaurant
-Here you go. -Bye, have a nice night ! -Bye ! Thanks, you too.
mitos y heroes
Nicolas SEGADO TTG2 , Luis Alberto Spinetta el roquero argentino que hace m úsica que . emociona a la poblaci ón argentina ) II Los mitos · , Un mito es algo que es imaginario como la ciudad Macondo “ en la obra de Gabriel Garc ía M árquez que se llama Cien años de soledad ” en el que se invent ó un mundo que no , exist ía en la realidad y para todos los lectores de su...
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
Résumé À la fin des années vingt, dans une région du Sud de l’Indochine appelée « la plaine de Ram », une institutrice française vit avec ses deux enfants, Joseph, qui a vingt ans, et Suzanne, qui est une belle adolescente, dans une concession au bord du Pacifique dans l’achat de laquelle elle avait investi toutes ses économies, mais qui lui avait été vendue par de malhonnêtes agents du cadastre de Kam qui ne lui avaient pas dit que le terrain éta...
controlada por el ejercito y donde no hay màs forma de libertad. Asi, ara asegurar la duracion y la herencia de su poder, quiso utilizar lo que se llama hoy "un lavado de cerebro" a los que eran los màs vulnerables, los màs faciles a manipular si se puede decir : LOS NINOS. Concretamente , a partir de 1939, al fin de la guerra, los rojos fueron fusillados, encarcelados o reducidos al silencio por el nuevo regimen. Las mujeres republicanas militantes fueron colac...
la langue diplomatique
1. Introduction Ce travail a pour but de décrire les particularités du style diplomatique notamment de la correspondence diplomatique et en outre l’ étude et la réalisation des traits stylistiques , en particulier la terminologie diplomatique, sont prises en considération . Le but de ce travail est de montrer les caractéristiques du discours diplomatique qui s'est tenu entre la France et l ‘ U.R.S.S. en janvier 1959, à t...
las energías renovables
millones de especies animales van a desaparecer y la falta de arboles creara problemas en América del sur, no es para nada que se llama el pulmón de la Tierra.
Je ne sais pas
i . The use of these statistics in the essay help illustrate how using a more engaging method to connect to History, like the heritage fair, more students are becoming more interested in it since the locality of it gives it more meaning to them. 4. a) An example of diction would be “so if we genuinely care about how history impinges upon citizenship (that is, our collective search for a civil society), let us fret less about what is catalogued in the curriculum, and more about how...
Vocabulaire Commercial en Anglais
avant impôts Billets de banque Banknotes Bonnes affaires Good bargains But Aim Cadre Executive Caisse Cash-desk, till Cartes magnétiques Swipe cards CDD A fixed-term contract CDI Permanent contract Centaines Hundred Chaîne de montage Assembly, production line Chiffre d'affaires Turnover (sales figures) Chiffres de vente Sales figures Chômage Unemploymen t Collecter To gather Commerce de détail Retail business Concurrence Competition Congé parental Parental leave Consacrer To de...
Toursim Today
sales of air conditioners are soaring. The output of the disaster film "The Day After Tomorrow," whose screenplay anchored on the theme of global warming has taken great liberties with science, but has reinforced these concerns. The effects of global warming are already being seen with, for example, the withdrawal of some glaciers, rising a few inches of sea level by thermal expansion of water as well as reduction in thickne...
media americain
The exportation of americain tv in the world As you all know the culture American is exported all over the world in one very large number of sector with the audiovisual, the press, food products, the clothing and musical. The most visible of these sector is the broadcasting with the television. In the United States the broadcasting is the second bigger exporting behind the food- processing industry and it is the most profitable second sector behind the aeronautics. The Americans exporte...
BAC S ITALIEN: La Nonna di Silvia
Dans ce sujet, il faut se mettre dans la peau des personnages et reprendre les éléments de leur dialogue précédent. Voici un exemple : — Silvia, finalmente ti ritrovo ! hai fatto buon viag gio ? — sì, grazie: la Puglia è lontanissima però il viaggi o è bello. Da quanto tempo sei qui ? — sono arrivata due giorni fa. Quasi non riconoscevo la casa della nonna. — Da quando è morta tua nonna qualcuno si occupa dell e terre ? — Molte cose sono cambiate, però gli o...
The New Girl
passage is full of hatred. Indeed, when Allison saw the girl, she became aggressive and insulted her. Allison was so prejudiced that she didn't even try to make friends with the black girl. In the first passage, though, she was just a carefree child. (45 words)12. The girl must have felt scared and taken aback by the two white children's attitude towards her. She probably did not understand why Allison had been so mean to her, and why the narrator, who had been so nice at first, had suddenly bec...
War on terrorism
B) Shock and Bush’s reaction . These attacks are lived as a real trauma by a very big part of the population, which associates them with Pearl Harbour's attack by Japanese in 1941 who don’t transmit a preliminary declaration of war. The United States feel at war and the Bush administration decrees the national mobilization, followed in it by the American media. In France, Le Monde titles in its publishing dated September 13th, 2001: «We are every Americans ". The shock is transmitted t...
6 ALGo mÁS © Éditions Belin, 2012 Pour aider les professeurs et les élèves à effectuer ce travail, nous proposons, pour chacune des quatre notions, deux dossiers à partir desquels chacun, en effectuant des sélections et des regroupements de son choix, pourra élaborer les dossiers personnalisés qui lui conviennent. Dans chacun des dossiers proposés dans le manuel, on trouvera : – Une orientation spécifique donnée à la notion en fonction d’un thème. – Un choix de documents assez large...
Michael Jackson was black skin became white skin, due to operation He has got three children (two children with Debbie Rowe : Prince Michael Junior , born February 13, nineteen ninety-seven in Los Angeles and Paris Michael Katherine , born April 3, nineteen ninety-eight in Los Angeles; and Prince Michael II ( blanket), born by artificial insemination and the use of a surrogate mother whose identity remained confidential. Michael Jackson died at his home in Holmby hills,...
Vocabulaire de base d'anglais
• My favourite place : ma place préféré • My favouriteanimal : mon animal préféré • My name is richard : mon nom est richard • My room : ma chamber • Nice to meet you: enchanté de faire ta connaisance • Not bad, thank you : pas mal, merci • On the first floor: au premier étage • On the second floor: au second étage • Read : lis • Really fine, thanks : vraiment merci • Repeat: repete • See you this evening • Stand up: lève-toi • Thank you very much : merci beaucoup • Thank you: merc...
students to better understand the different elements of modern machines. Computer programs also allow students to create and run simulations on design packages, which means they can make more complex designs without the need to build a physical working model. Problems with Technology The re has been some opposition to ideas such as computers in schools as parents are worried that children will no longer interact with each other and will be able to access inappropriate materials onli...