Catégorie : Langues
Espagnol exemple oral bac
- Reflexión sobre la peligrosidad de la inmigración y las dificultades de integrarse a los países de recepción - Reflexión sobre la justicia y las pruebas científica s
espagnol yo té haré un hombré
Yo te haré un hombre" p.42 Mario VARGAS LLOSA. La ciudad et los perros . (1963) Traduction de l'extrait : "Le pire était de faire semblant. Avant, il attendait pour se lever que lui soit parti. Mais un matin, quelqu'un retira les draps de son lit quand il dormait encore ; il sentit le froid, la lumière claire de l'aube l'obligea à ouvrir les yeux. Son coeur s'arrêta : son père se tenait près de lui et avait un regard incendiaire [...]. Il entendit : -Quel âge as-tu ? -Dix ans -dit...
Der thema : der Elysée Vertrag
Die wesentlichen ideenDie wesentlichen ideen Der Vertrag elysée hat einige starke Punkte auf der coorporation zwischen Frankreich hervorgerufen und wer nicht ALEMAGNE alles war possitif . Javier 22 1963 Französisch Präsident Charles De Gaulle und der deutsche Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenauer unterzeichnet einen Vertrag, Frankreich und Deutschland haben eine bessere Beziehung in der Zukunft erlaubt. Diese Beziehungen auf volles Vertrauen...
- Espagnol
weibliche Alltag
Wirklichkeit der Doppelmoral nicht zuwider, da sie ihre ungestillten, sexuellen Wünsche nur in ihrer Phantasie, also in ihren Träumen auslebt. Der Autor äußert somit starke Kritik an seine Zeitgenossen, welche weibliches Begehren und sexuelle Sehnsüchte auf die Familie reduzieren und kämpft für das Ansehen des weiblichen Geschlechts zu seiner Zeit.
The forgotten Haiti: Restaveks
There are laws in Haiti for it to stop, but they are not met. If someone has a Restavek and the person does not send the child to school, the police said nothing. In fact, nothing is done to put an end to this situation. Someone says that there living conditions in our society? JeanRobert Cadet was one of them. His poignant story, its virtues resilience, and his return to life, he has recorded in a book (released in 1999 and regularly reprinted since). “ Restavek child slave in Haiti...
My sister's keeper - Writting Time
“Don't worry, that's okay. I should go, otherwise my parents would worry.” Anna sighed “I see. I hope everything will be fine for you. And as in Star Wars: May the force be with you!” Mary said with a cheerful smile on her face. “Ahah! Thank you Mary!” Anna laughed. “See ya tomorrow at school! Bye!” She said, waving goodye. “Bye Anna!”
a. Photos ● The flag : When the astronauts put the flag on the ground, it was “floating” (there is no wind on the moon). ○ Counterargument : The flag isn't floating. He looks to float but it's because it has a wrinkled appearance. It is made in a special canvas which imitates this aspect. ● The camera : The cameras had a marking system with small crosses, but on the photos, theses crosses are hidden, which let us think that these photos we...
exposer English apple
Apple is a company engaged in manufacturing personal computers. It was founded by Steve Jobs , Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on 1 April 1976 to Cupertido California. With inventions such as the mouse or icons Apple is considered one of the founders of computer science ( of) today. After dominating the 80s , Apple was exceeded in the 90s by Microsoft. But with new products such as the iMac and the opening of new markets Apple ...
Pocahontas - la vrai vie ( en anglais )
s'embarque pour l'Angleterre. Pocahontas, sous le nom de Lady Rebecca, est présentée à la Cour, où, consécration, elle est reçue avec les plus grands honneurs. Cependant, en avril 1617, sur le point de repartir vers ses terres natales, Pocahontas tombe malade et, malheureusement ne survivra pas à cette maladie. Elle aura eu 21 ans… Avec Pocahontas, l’Histoire (avec un grand H) et la légende sont intimement liées; cette Histoire des États-Unis d’Amérique qui repose exclusivement sur la domi...
Correction devoir d'anglais 1
3. 1. As I was stepping off the boat, I saw my uncle who was waiting for me. 2. It was in 1967 when my grandfather landed in France. 3. He often told me that he was regretting the sun of his country. 4. 1. At Ellis Island people were treated like cattle. 2. They were examined to see if they had contagious diseases. 3. Hispanic immigrants are said to bring a new vitality. II.COMPREHENSION DE TEXTE. (36 POINTS) A. The immigrants before. 1.People who built New-York...
composition italien tramway
importante per lo sviluppo economico di Angers anche perché le imprese sono attirate dall’imagine moderna di Angers. Questo progetto ha ottenuto la sovvenzione della parte di Feder (fondo europeano di sviluppo regionale ), della regione, dello Stato, dell’ agenzia del ambiento del controllo dell’energia e dei datori Angioini ( 1,8% della massa salariale ). Tutti insieme hanno dato 53,3 milioni di euro. Il preso estimato al inizio del progetto era di 248 M€ , ricalcolato nel 20...
the money
I admire and I respect the persons who know how to share what they have with the others, for example by the support of the charitable actions(shares). Sometimes a lot of money(silver) is necessary to pay a very expensive operation, to save the life of somebody and it is a case where the money(silver) really has a big importance. It is necessary to know how to see also the other values which consider in life, for example the friendship, the love, the family and the health. They can give a...
Espacios e intercambios
mejor. LAS DIFICULTADES EN EL NUEVO ESPACIO (adaptación, integración, condiciones materiales…) Cuando un inmigrante llega en el país de acogido, se enfrenta a muchas dificultades. De hecho, el libro "Hablame, musa, de Aquel varón", escrito por Chacón ilustra perfectamente esto. En el extracto que estudiamos en clase, Aisha es una inmigrante quien salió de Marruecos cuando tenia dieciséis anos para ir en España, pasando por el estrecho de Gibraltar en una patera. Para muchos clandes...
Sport aux USA ('20)
la loi de l'argent. Il est, contrairement au baseball ou à la boxe, plus qu'un jeu national, c'est une institution américaine. Il remplit de 50 000 à 70 000 places dans les stades, les transactions de joueurs se posent en milliers de dollars. Un champion peut se permettre de nombreux excès devant la loi. Il est à coup sûr pardonné pour ses actions sociales et humanitaires. Preuve encore que le base-ball est une institution, on lui consacrera un panthéon, pour immortaliser les grands champions, e...
- Invention: Interview en anglais avec un sportif
Discours relatant de la vie de Steve Jobs en anglais
The second part of my statement is the impact of Steve Jobs’ technology. Today, there is more than 1.600 billion Internet users on the world of which 231 million are Americans. We are the second country which has the most of Internet users. The first one is China. Wasn’t Steve Jobs born, all of them wouldn’t have a computer today. When he died on October the fifth of 2011, all the world paid tribute to him. Everybody has, today, an Iphone, an Ipod, a Mac or something which comes from Apple. Th...
- Mis vacaciones en Costa Rica
Biographie de Steve Jobs en anglais
The second part of my statement is the impact of Steve Jobs’ technology. Today, there is more than 1.600 billion Internet users on the world of which 231 million are Americans. We are the second country which has the most of Internet users. The first one is China. Wasn’t Steve Jobs born, all of them wouldn’t have a computer today. When he died on October the fifth of 2011, all the world paid tribute to him. Everybody has, today, an Iphone, an Ipod, a Mac or something which comes from Apple. Th...
La independencia de México
inmediatamente. Primero pusieron en libertad a los presos, aprehendieron a los españoles que se encontraban en la población. Luego a las 5 de la mañana del 16 de septiembre de 1810, se llamó a misa, el pueblo acudido al llamado y con el grito ¡Mexicanos, viva México!, ¡"Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe"!, ¡Viva Fernando VII! y ¡Muera el mal gobierno!; Hidalgo incitó al pueblo a levantarse contra los españoles. A este suceso se le conoce como "Grito de Dolores". Hidalgo acusó a los españoles de preten...