Catégorie : Langues
La convivencia en Al Andalus
protection indispensables à leur manipulation (gants, masques, combinaisons, etc.). La pollution engendrée par ces pesticides a un impact local et global : d’une part, elle est à l’origine d’un grave problème de santé publique (augmentation des cas de malformations, de cancers, de désordres du système nerveux, etc.) dans ces pays qui souffrent déjà de nombreux maux ; d’autre part, elle contribue à une pollution planétaire, car les pesticides sont transportés sur des milliers de kilomètres via...
Rafael Nadal
Es así el séptimo jugador de la historia del tenis que realiza el " Gran Slam en carrera " en simple. A este título, Rafael Nadal es el tercer jugador y el más joven que se hubo impuesto durante la era Open en los cuatro torneos mayores sobre cuatro superficies diferentes, realización que solo Roger Federer y Andre Agassi cumplieron. Haciéndose campeón olímpico en 2008, es también el segundo que ha realizado el Gran Slam dorado en carrera después de Agassi. Codétient el récord de...
En outre, est dit lisible tout texte facile à déchiffrer, et donc facile à lire. Ainsi que sus mentionné, la ponctuation, une fois le texte produit, facilite la lecture au niveau de la réception. Plus un texte est adroitement ponctué, plus il est agréable de lire et plus il est facile de l'appréhender cependant, la perception de la ponctuation comme instrument de production, de lisibilité et de réception textuelles peut être discutée. Si à travers ses fonctions prosodique, énonciative, syntaxiqu...
version latine
Quand à moi j'admirai bouche bée quand sursautant de peur je faillis me rompre les jambes. A gauche de l'entrée, non loin de la loge du portier, un énorme chien tirait sur sa chaîne. Au dessus de lui était écrit en lettres capitales : « gare au chiens ». Vérification faite, ce n'était qu'une peinture sur la muraille. Mes compagnons se moquait de ma frayeur. Mais ayant recouvré mes esprits, je n'avais d'yeux que pour les fresques qui ornaient le mur : un marché d'esclaves, avec leurs titres au c...
Yellowstone National Park Trip Planner
1 Explore Yellowstone safely You must stay on boardwalks and designated trails around hydrothermal features. Delicate formations and crust surrounding them is thin and breaks easily, and often overlies scalding water. Visitors have died in them. • To x i c gases exist at dangerous levels in some areas. If you feel sick, leave immediately. • Pets are prohibited in hydrothermal areas. • Swimming is prohibited where water f lows entirely from a hydrothermal spring or pool. Wher...
language in society
2 Acknowledgement First and foremost, I wish to express my deep appreciation to my supervisor Dr. Salah Kaouache for his patience, determination and guidance that have seen me through this project. His comments and clarifications have been for immense help to me in writing this dissertation. I am very grateful to him for his insightful feedback and constant encouragement throughout. I also thank Pr. Zahri Harouni, Pr. Hacene Saadi, Dr.Youcef Beghoul, Dr....
La littératura y la vida.
¿ Cuál es la mejor manera para incitar a leer? Para incitar a leer , debe dar la voluntad. Por ejemple, leer o racontar un principio de un libro puede permitir de mostrar a une persona que el libro está bien y alora de la motivar. No debe se fuerce a leer, porque pienso que ,debido a esta manera, estaríamos disgustados. Entonces, es necesario de leer cosas que nos gustan, si no haríamos placer y deseo de leer.
wor k and w hen t hey wan t to ren t. T he b lack commu n i t y is crossed of slave ry to segrega t ion. T he segrega t ion is p resen t a t school, i n t he bus, i n pubs… The b lacks a re i n to m ise ry, h u m i l ia ted, v ic t i ms of l ynch i ng, te r ro r ized by r acist bands w i t h t he b lack pan t he rs led by M a lcolm X. For examp le Char les M a nson. Th is man is a ser ia l k i l ler. He had crea ted a cul t cal led “ T he Fam i l y”. He comm i ts mu rde rs to m...
La maison Heinrich Heine
Geschichte Das Haus heisst Deutsches Haus und es ist erst 1956 feierlich eingeweiht worden, weil es Spannungen zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich gab. Seit 1967 heisst das Haus „Heinrich Heine“, nach dem Namen des deutschen Dichters. Das deutsche Haus ist die erste Deutsche Vertretung in Frankreich aber das ist auch ein KulturZentrum. Appelée auparavant Maison de l’Allemagne, elle est inaugurée seulement en 1956, tardivement comparé aux autres maisons...
La mafia italienne
– Al quarto grado, ci sono le braccie diritte. Sono gli esecutori principali, il Boss loro candita le missioni principali. Sono per la maggior parte scelti nella famiglia personale del dono : dei fratelli, dei figli, dei nipoti...possono diventare Braccio-diritti, se provano che ne sono capaci. – Al quinto grado, c'è una sola persona : il consigliere. C'è il consigliere giuridico della famiglia. Intrattiene una relazione privelegiata con il dono perchè si rivolge a lui per chiedergli...
Robinson Crusoe (Black Cat)
Part Two: Robinson was happy to be alive, he thanked God for saving his life. He had no clothes, no food and no drink, so R thought he was going to die of stavation or eaten by wild animals. That night he drank fresh water then climbed on a tree and slept. The next morning he saw the ship was near to the shore so he took his clothes off and reached it. To bring food back to the shore he had to build a raft, so he put pieces of wood together and built a raft. He loaded it with food, cloth...
Robinson Crusoe
Part Two: Robinson was happy to be alive, he thanked God for saving his life. He had no clothes, no food and no drink, so R thought he was going to die of stavation or eaten by wild animals. That night he drank fresh water then climbed on a tree and slept. The next morning he saw the ship was near to the shore so he took his clothes off and reached it. To bring food back to the shore he had to build a raft, so he put pieces of wood together and built a raft. He loaded it with food, cloth...
Les traditions allemandes
--Fête de l'avent : Adventszeit Ils ont le calendrier de l'avent naturlich. der Advenskalender La couronne de l'Avent (die Adventskrone) : Les allemands fabriquent une couronne avec des bra,nches de sapin et posent 4 boujies dessus. Ils allument la premiere boujie 4 semaine avant noël. Quand ladernière/toutes sont allumé, C'est noël. a la fête de l('avent il y a aussi st Nicolas : Saint Nicolas (Sankt Nikolaus) Saint Nicolas était un évèque du IVème siècle .Il y a une Legende....
Espagnol Arquitectura en Espagna
Arquitectura barroca en España El Palacio Real de Madrid o el Oriente Palace, la residencia official del Rey de España, se encuentra en el lugar de Oriente en el corazón de la capital española, Madrid. Su superficie ocupa 135.000 metros cuadrados, lo que es el palacio real más grande de Europa, con 3.418 habitaciones. Se trata de un palacio con funciones ceremoniales, sólo el Rey Don Juan Carlos y su esposa Sofía de Grecia y el príncipe Felipe y su familia, que viven en realidad en el complej...
The empire state building
The map The highest towers in the world
The Impact of the Console Nintendo WII in our Society
The firm Nintendo is for all players what Apple or Microsoft is to computers, that is to say, a pioneer in its field: the video games. It was in 1980 that the firm Japan has launched in the market for video game consoles. To date, it has more than 400 million consoles sold on all platforms. The Nintendo WII has not gone unnoticed and managed to cause followers to consumers, now ready to book several weeks in advan...
<< Would you be ready to fight for a humanitarian cause? Which one? Give your reasons. >>
According to UNICEF, education is a tool which has proved its efficiency in the improvement of conditions of life for all, and therefore children. However, we must not let the adults in poverty, we must also help them. But if I fight for a humanitarian cause, it will be a cause that deals with children. But if I fight for a humanitarian cause, it will be a cause which protects children. Every day, children are enlisted by force as soldiers, workers orservants. Others are prostitutes. These chi...
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Spazi e Scambi Italien terminal
Il testo “Ma esistono i bamboccioni?” parla del' mammismo. Si tratta di giovani di età superiore di 25 anni che vivono ancora con i loro genitori. Penso che loro scelgano una soluzione di facilità: vivendo dai genitori, non è necessario che preparino da mangiare, lavino la loro biancheria, facciano le pulize. Ma mi sembra che in certi casi, i giovani non abbiamo la scelta e non possano vivere da soli perché non hanno la possibilità di pagare l'affitto di un appartamento e le bollette...
Exposé American History X
Affiche: Top of the movie poster, you can read the names of the two main actors. Below is the title "American history X" in capital letters. Center left, there is the quote of Abrahm Lincoln. Right. This is Derek, he puts his right hand over his "heart." Under his hand, you can see the tattoo of a swastika. The poster is in black and white. Avis : My opinion on this film, I think it makes you think. It is a very beautiful film with a beautiful moral. For his first film, it is very successf...