Catégorie : Langues
Mfecane - history.
they were broken up around 1822 by the Mpondo, under Faku. In 1819 the Zulu defeated the Ndwandwe and took over their former territory. The Ndwandwe were forced north across the Phongolo River. A group of Ndwandwe refugees,led by Soshangane, fled into what is now southern Mozambique, where they overran the local Tsonga people and became known as the Gaza. Soshangane went on to createthe Gaza Empire, which stretched along the coast from Delagoa Bay to the lower Zambezi. In 1826 other Ndwandwe gro...
Mobutu Sese Seko - history.
Moroccan and Belgian troops and American and French military assistance. His political opponents formed the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) in 1982, butthe party’s leaders were continually harassed and imprisoned throughout the 1980s. Mobutu consolidated his power by sharing the country’s wealth with political allies, asystem often described as a kleptocracy. Reportedly absconding with billions of dollars in Western aid and export earnings generated by the country's mineral wealth...
Pan-Africanism - history.
Edward Wilmot BlydenEdward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912) was an early proponent of Pan-Africanism and a leading black intellectual and scholar of Africanculture. Born in the Virgin Islands, Blyden moved to the West African nation of Liberia in 1851 and promoted the repatriation of freeAmerican blacks to Liberia. He hoped that Liberia, as an independent black-ruled nation, would become a beacon of Pan-Africanism,displaying the great achievements of Africans and people of African descent.Library of Co...
Scramble for Africa - history.
Sir Henry Morton StanleyAnglo-American explorer Sir Henry Morton Stanley was a key figure in the Scramble for Africa. His late 19th-century exploration anddevelopment of the lower Congo River in the name of Belgian king Leopold II led to the creation of the huge Congo Free State asLeopold’s personal property.THE BETTMANN ARCHIVE European competition over African territory in the 1870s heightened once Belgian king Leopold II got involved. Merchants under French government protection had beenadvan...
Shaka - history.
eliminate internal opponents, and he crushed and dispersed several groups. In 1827 the death of his mother, Nandi, and his subsequent declaration of mandatory publicmourning again served as an excuse for Shaka to execute his rivals and critics. Such actions, however, simply encouraged others who felt threatened to conspire againsthim. Even his amabutho began turning against him because they were exhausted by the incessant campaigns and wanted an opportunity to enjoy the fruits of theirconquests....
Slavery in Africa - history.
Arab Slave TradersThis 19th-century engraving depicts an Arab slave trading caravan transporting black African slaves across the Sahara. The trans-Saharan slave trade developed in the 7th and 8th centuries, as Muslim Arabs conquered most of North Africa. The trade grewsignificantly from the 10th to the 15th century and peaked in the mid-19th century.Archive Photos The spread of Islam from Arabia into Africa after the religion’s founding in the 7th century AD affected the practice of slavery and...
Mitos y heroes
son integrados a la cultura popular, y por eso, se convierten en una imagen diferente de la figura histórica real. Se diría que debemos conocer a fondo la historia. Para no olvidar que incluso los héroes han sido son des humanos con virtudes. Pero también con defectos y equivocaciones. Para concluir, creo que los mitos y los héroes Por algún motivo, el ser humano necesita dar explicaciones sobrenaturales, sobre el mundo. Y seguir creciendo e...
Débat Single Sex School
ways to learn, independence, participation during class, ability to succeed in school, attitude in school, behavior in school and grades. Highlights of the survey results included: · Roughly three-quarters of the students who participated in the survey believed that single-gender classes were contributing factors to their improvements in each category. · Although both boys and girls gave positive reviews to the single-gender experience, the strongest endorsements came from girls. Four ou...
Portrait d'un cuisinier
Working conditions: To do a good job in the kitchen must meet three conditions: · have qualified personnel · have performance equipement · have time to work The working conditions are excellent in gymnasium H enry Cornat. The kitchen is modern, it has been completely renovated. We have the opportunity to wo rk fresh and develop ourselves all the dishes presented to students. We can choose our suppliers and select our products. We get along very well and it is always with the...
Social Networking
WOUTERS Laura 6B Miss Musyck YOUNES Clara March 2013 Advantages There are many advantages of using social networks: 1. Worldwide Connectivity: It is a way of communication known in the World and because of this; it is easy for two people from different continents to communicate. Now with Smartphones it is even easier to connect to any social network. There is nothing easier or faster to search in than social networking. If you want to find “ a romance, a new job, a locating assistance...
Myths and Heroes
though they are not real. To my mind, the image of the hero has evolved from a rather unpleasant way, since nowadays, anyone can be called a hero. For example, let's talk about Felix Baumgartner. He's the new holder of the world record for skydiving height, jumping out of a tiny capsule, 39 kilometers up in the sky. He broke the sound barrier on his descent. He's the first human that has ever done that. We could say, according to our prior definition, that he is a hero. Yet, his he really one? W...
verbes forts allemands
Infinitif Prétérit Participe passé Présent Sens Verbes forts en -ei-a 2 eme groupe a modèle : ei-ie-ie bleiben** leihen meiden scheinen schreiben blieb lieh mied schien schrieb geblieben geliehen gemieden geschienen geschreiben bleibt leiht meidet scheint schreibt rester prêter éviter briller, paraître écrire schreien schweigen streigen** treiben weisen schrie schwieg stieg trieb wies geschrien geschwiegen gestiegen getrieben gewiesen schreit schweigt steigt treibt weist crier se taire monter...
Quasimodo "Uomo del mio tempo" Idea di progresso- Terminale
- La vita non è un sogno (1949) - Il falso e vero verde (1954) - Dare e avere (1966). INTRODUZIONE : Dopo l’ultima guerra mondiale Salvatore Quas i modo si distacca dall'ermetismo, e s'impegna in argomenti di valore storico e sociale. In questa poesia, tratta da “Giorno dopo giorno”, il poeta si riferisce alla strage della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (1939-1945), denunciando le assurdità e gli orrori di questa ennesima guerra. - Il testo parla della barbarie della Seconda Guerra...
else. She considered it explained his charm. That, and his delightful accent. Of course she acknowledged his cleverness, and as he was one of the best psychiatrists of the state, she could have expected that. He helped her understand who she really was. She had been violent to herself but also to her nurses, after she entered the psychiatric section of the Hospital because of the puppy incident. Like that one time, when she decided to jab a fork into the hand of one of the latter, without warnin...
Quasimodo "Uomo del mio tempo"
- La vita non è un sogno (1949) - Il falso e vero verde (1954) - Dare e avere (1966). INTRODUZIONE : Dopo l’ultima guerra mondiale Salvatore Quas i modo si distacca dall'ermetismo, e s'impegna in argomenti di valore storico e sociale. In questa poesia, tratta da “Giorno dopo giorno”, il poeta si riferisce alla strage della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (1939-1945), denunciando le assurdità e gli orrori di questa ennesima guerra. - Il testo parla della barbarie della Seconda Guerra...
Fiche de méthode Espagnol
Hablar ias Comer ias Vivir ias Hablar ia Comer ia Vivir ia Hablar iamos Comer iamos Vivir iamos Hablar iais Comer iais Vivir iais Hablar ian Comer ian Vivir ian NB : Il existe des irréguliers: Tener...
Synthèse temps anglais
TEMPS PERFECT : Présent Perfect: Construction : HAVE + BV + ED !! HAS avec he/she/it !! Participe passé des verbes irréguliers Emploi : action passée SANS DATE ou qui vient de se produire avec un résultat dans le présent. Il y a souvent DEUX VERBES dans la phrase. Il y la conséquence exprimée dans la phrase. Exemple : I'm tired because I have worked a lot ! (Je suis fatigué car j'ai beaucoup travaillé). I've lost my keys, so I can't open my car. (J'ai pe...
dossier oral terminal
relation electronique
In figura è rappresentata la configurazione base del 555 come multivibratore astabile in cui i piedini 2 e 6 sono collegati tra di loro ed hanno quindi lo stesso potenziale del condensatore C, la resistenza Ra è collegata tra l'alimentazione e il terminale 7 mentre Rb viene collegata tra il terminale 7 e il condensatore. Con questi collegamenti quando il circuito viene alimentato la tensione sul condensatore inizia ad oscillare tra i valori Vcc/3 e 2/3 Vcc e di conseguenza l'uscita varia...
El descuartizador de Aguacates de Rosa Montero
7.Es un fracaso 8.El hombre se aprovecha (APROVECHARSE profiter) de la mujer. 9.La mujer es una idiota(l.16) a) porque es sumisa b)Porque acepta la actitud del marido c)Se pone nerviosa pero no toma medidas drásticas. III)¿ Qué harías tú en lugar de la mujer del texto? Condicional Ejemplo Irregulares:DECIR diría HABER habría H...