Catégorie : Langues
Fiche de rémédiation anglais
Jeff is a comic book connoisseur (expert). I wait for the new issue . do, eargerly) Toys are childish (infantile, puerile) attract, to charm) to me. ending . Dr Impossible He has got a helmet . He is in jail (=prison). He is the smartest (clever, intelligent) man in the world. He was tried (trials = procès) and sent to the prison. Nobody can beat (batter, defeat) him. Video “Real Life Superheroes”, texte “Superman” Last year, I did a good deep for the Earth...
Version Waugh
bibliothèque. Quelques étudiants solitaires en pantoufles du Balliol et du Trinity levèrent la tête quand j’entrai pour ensuite en revenir à leurs journaux dominicaux. Je mangeai mes œufs brouillés et ma confiture d'orange amère avec son zeste qui dans la jeunesse précédait une nuit sans repos. J’allumai une cigarette et m'attablai tandis qu'uns à uns les étudiants de Balliol et de Trinity payaient leur note et partaient en traînant des pieds, slap-slap, dans la rue jusqu'à leur collège...
Lettre de Insook a SunHee
I miss you my Sun-Hee! I look forward to seeing you!
Me casé con sus "papeles"
buscar un lugar que les gusten para vivir : inmigrantes de todo el mundo. Lineas 3 y 4 Circunstancias para quedarse en España Inmigrantes con visado temporario : los que vienen para estudiar o que ya tienen un trabajo (acuerdos con los paises de origen) : son los « tolerados », tienen un permiso de residencia Inmigrantes que se quedan sin visado : los « clandestinos » : llegan de manera ilegal o se quedan de manera ilegal (caducidad del visado) : ningun derecho, sin ayuda social, trabajan al...
real father. Jake is an adventurous young boy, who is also timid but clever. He appreciates everything that is given to him. When his long lost grandmother, Mrs Judd, offered both him and his mum a roof over their heads he did not take that for granted. Mrs Judd is a very generous and loving person, who won't let anybody get in her way. Marie, is a strong willed woman who would do anything for her son. We are not told much about D...
- exposé en espagnol sur les graffitis
Couverture de Livre
day when Thomas, the youngest of the four boys in the family disappears. His father, who is very attached to his son , decides to use his skills deeply hidden inside himself to find where he is… In this book, which mixes love, horror and action, the author leads us in a thrilling universe all over the world before revealing us an unexpected mystery … This novel has prevented me from sleeping all night long as the suspense was intense. Extraordin...
Prétérit !
c. Evènement qui intervient pendant une activité en cours: Poirot was building card houses when he had an idea. While Poirot was building card houses, he had an idea. HAVE POIROT : BUILD L'activité BUILD est interrompue par l'évènement HA VE : au moment où il a son idée, Poirot cesse de faire des châteaux de car tes. 4. Conjonctions utilisées: WHEN = quand, lorsque WHILE = tandis que, pendant que...
Dialogue shopping
I would also need a T-shirt. I’m a size 16. Do you have a style in mind? I’d like a plain one. Otherwise I don’t like dark T-shirts. This one is orange… Would you like it? Within this one, I would look like a clown!!! This one is more classical: simply white! Perfect, I think that it is too tight for me, don’t you think so? Have you got a larger one? Yes, of course, here it is. I like it so I take it. Sir, as you buy a lot of articles, I am pleased to offer you this other red T-shirt to thank yo...
- joven y trabajar
Famine in Ireland
In 1848, facing this poverty, Irish persons saw in America a good solution to avoid the famine. Further to the number of dead persons, thousands of Irish persons left their native country to go in America by cargo ship. Several persons died because of the storm and the diseases. Ireland's population decreased by more than 2 million people (8,5 to 6,5). For Irish persons, United States gave a real dream to begin a new life: the famous American dream. It gave them the opportunity to have a new lif...
Colonial battles in Canada
In 1713, the Treaty of Utrecht—which ended the War of the Spanish Succession—changed the North American political map. England received Newfoundland, Hudson Bay, part of Acadia, and a protectorate over the Iroquois. New France was limited to Canada, part of Acadia (Île Saint-Jean and Île Royale, today Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton Island, respectively), and Greater Louisiana. Today's New Brunswick became a "disputed land" between the British and French, as England maintain...
Fueran Etaient La reconquista La reconquête Querer Vouloir Anchura =/ estrechez Ouverture =/ étroitesse Siguieron Continuèrent Os Vous Usted Vous (sing.) Ustedes Vous (plur.) Edad Age Publicitario Publicitaire Lema Slogan Dinero Argent Mira Regarde Encanto Charme Abiertos Ouverts (les gens) Huella Trace Dejado Laissé Barrios Quartiers Pasear por Se promener Ferrocarriles Trains Tiendas Magasins Ropas Vêtements Abanicos Eventails Lugar Lieu Andar Marcher Caer Tomber Dar Donner
Ideia de progresso
Queria fazer também um leio com a estatua representante Hercúleo transportando a Terra. Acho que a ideia da imagem tem similitudes porque ela deu a impressão que os arranha-céus são o motor da Terra, como os reatores duma foguete. Para acabar, eu me perguntava onde é o ser humano aqui. Todo é tão grande, a imagem falta muito de humanidade, aqui os arranha-céus são o centro do mundo, e normalmente é o ser humano que aqui não é presente de todo... Saragga Guillaume 1eES1
Itinerario de un chicano
Encu e ntra al pu e blo a m eric ano III) La desilusión Modo de vida diferentes tien e qu e c a mbiar s u s ve stido s p ar a integr ar s e y h a bl ar ingle s m a n er a d e cocin ar le s orprend e ( m e zcla d e s a b or e s) religión porqu e s o n prot e st a nt e s cultur a m e n o s m a chist a dond e los hombr e s s e comport a n como los mujer e s e stilo ve stim ent ario d e c a d e nt e, inmor al, vulgar la d e silusión a final regr e s o a s u p a...
The american dream
while bringing it down to the current truth, the financial crisis. So that’s why this painting is part of the idea “American dream myth or reality?”
Lord of the flies
The prospect of exploring the island exhilarates the boys, who feel a bond forming among them as they play together in the jungle. From the peak, they can see that they are on an island with no signs of civilization. The view is stunning, and Ralph feels as though they have discovered their own land. As they travel back toward the beach, they find a wild pig caught in a tangle of vines. Jack, the newly appointed hunter, draws his knife and steps in to kill it, but hesitates, unable to...
los angeles
Things to Do in Hollywood Right next to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Immerse yourself in an interactive experience with A- List celebrities, Hollywood icons, Super heroes and more! Who do you want to meet? Hollywood Bowl Special event location at the world famous Hollywood outdoor amphitheater, which includes a dramatic state-of-the-art stage.
Lecture analytique du chap 12 de Zadig de Voltaire
« raison »... Par la suite, il s'adresse à eux en toute égalité « mes amis », tel un prêtre prêchant la bonne parole capable de réconcilier tous les hommes. Il ne prend parti à aucun moment, jamais il ne condamne les rites de chacun, là est son rôle de médiateur. Il parviendra au travers de son serment à rapprocher et calmer tous ces hommes de différentes cultures (L.116) b) Un orateur habile C'est sa facilité de rhétoriqueur qui permet à Zadig de rendre le calme à tous, d'une querelle infondé...
sino también con cualquier otro agente de los EE.UU. Además los inmigrantes deben hacer cuidado cuando cruzan los carreteros. 5) El TLCAN que significa: Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, es un tratado y entró en vigor el 1 de enero 1994. Creó una zona de libre comercio entre los Estados Unidos, Canadá y México. Este acuerdo, elimina las barreras al comercio y establece la libertad de inversión entre los tres países y ha contribuido de manera significativa a acercar México de...