Catégorie : Langues
Notion Idea of progress BAC ORAL
3)2) In the educational field, one of the most interesting aspect is that technology enables anyone to get into higher education with MOOCS (Massive Open Online courseS), whether they live at the other end of the world or not. You can connect whenever it suits you, wherever you want, with whoever professor you feel comfortable with. If you have difficulties understanding, you can watch the same course again and again until you understand. Another advantage is that most MOOCS are quite...
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true love
or to play games. At the time the first computers were built the people maybe thought they were dangerous and could get out of control. Even before Asimov, some people wrote about machines that could become mightier than humans. But those presentations said that a machine, for example a computer, was like a wild beast that could kill you if you did not pay enough attention. I think Asimov's thoughts about computers and their future were not wrong. It is true that we try to improve the ...
Verbes japonais
有需要日语资料的,对日语学习有问题的,可以微博上找我,大家一起进步吧 腾讯微博: 新浪微博: 第 2 页 共 7 页 选择 得到 追う 終える 拝む 補う 置く 贈る (おう) (おえる) (おがむ) (おぎなう) (おく) (おくる) 合适 结束 恳求 填补 放 送 怒る 収める 納める 治める 押す 恐れる (おこる) (おさめる) (おさめる) (おさめる) (おす) (おそれる) 生气 取得...
Soldados de Salamina
rend v isi te à D i jon pou r l u i poser la quest ion : éta i t-ce vous ? L ' homme refuse de répond re car i l ne veu t i nca r ne r seu l le cou rage d'une poignée de solda ts anonymes: i l n'y a pas de hé ros v ivan ts et les actes de bravou re ne se racon ten t pas.
B u t Facebook is an ageing networ k w h ich made i ts t i me. Mo reover, t he teenagers w ho joi ned i t a few years ago begin to abandon i t for T w i t ter, or other social networ ks. We could qual i t i f ie r T w i t te r and Facebook as t wo social networ ks " r i va ls".
5 minutes talk
H K I - A NG L A IS poi n t w he re t hey can combi ne facia l coding, voice sensing, gestu re t r ack i ng and gaze t rack i ng, he said, a less st i l ted way of i n te ract i ng w i t h mach i nes w i l l ensue. Fo r some, t h is t ype of technology ra ises an O rwel l ian specter. A nd A ffect iva is awa re t ha t i ts face-read i ng sof twa re could st i r p r ivacy concerns. B u t Dr. K a l iouby said t ha t none of t he comi ng apps...
the perfect french..
as t h e SN C F as t h e P a r is i a ns as N a b i l l a D e te r m i n e d … Sobe r… C lea n… as t h e No r m a ns as a ba r m a n as p u b l ic to i le ts
Idea of progress
like Facebook, we can chat with your friends, share pictures and videos and have contact with celebrities. Internet can become an addiction, you can forget to work, you can forget your real life and somebody can take your identity. At the beginning of the year we made an oral comprehension in which a teacher spoke about social network. She said she doesn't have an account on social networks; it's unprofessional, not personal. You can encounter problems in Facebook; you can meet pedophiles, rapis...
African American
encou rages Af r ican Ame r icans to vote (t he bal lo t) bu t i f t hey fa i l, t hey x i l l have no opt ion bu t resor t to v io lence (bu l le t). I n second p lace, I am going to t a l k abou t t he ach ievemen ts. M any b lack people enjoyed success i n t he wor ld of pol i t ics, spor ts, media and en te r ta i n men t. However, t he black people a re p rog ress i n pa r t icu la r i n educa t ion, some shools al low b lack chi ld ren...
espace et echange anglais
notio à revoir ; taking a gap year a year off Question suceptible : Aimerai tu faire un gap year ? Why ,not ? I like travel and discover other coutrie way of life coulb be a good experience The aim of the sequence is Spaces and Exchanges which means that we studied the different means going abroad, discovering new cultures and getting experiences. Gap year is the way to reach this aim. Is a gap year a necessity in today society or a personal choice? A gap yea...
- I mp rove you r Engl ish -> We see t ha t you speak engl ish fuen t ly
oraux espagnol
· Conclusión: Para concluir, según mi opinión, diría que existen espacios de intercambio , en cualquier parte del mundo, ya sea en Internet o en la vida de todos los días. De hecho , en casa, en la escuela, en la calle, en el transporte público , en todos los espacios en los que estamos , hay intercambios .
spaces and exchanges
Span ish and Mexican i m m ig ran ts w ho sett led there. F rom a geograph ica l poin t of v iew, we can rema rk t ha t t here a re often d i f ferent neighborhoods w i t h a specif ic ethn ic or ig i n, such as t he many Ch i na towns a l l over Amer ica. Such neighborhoods h igh l igh t t he d iversi ty of t he cu l t u res t ha t compose t he A mer ican “ mel t i ng pot”. So t he mu l t i-cu l t u r a l aspect of Amer ica def i n i tely dea ls w i t h both space an d exchanges...
exposé eco
Por lo t a n to, l as mu je res encen t ran p roblemas en el m u ndo del t rabajo, con la desigua ldad y el mach ismo pero su si t uación evoluciona poco a poco y mejora l a v ida de la m u je res en el t rabajo y en l a v ida fam i l ia r con l a ma te r n idad. L a sociedad actua l ha evolucionado igua l men te en la explo tación de l a na t u ra leza con l as re laciones en t re E u ropa y A mé r ica l a t i na a t ravés de l as m u l t i naciona les. I ) L uego T ra ta ré de L a...
Vocabulaire pour analyse texte
Les TOURNURES utiles dans le COMMENTAIRE de TEXTE : dans l' INTRODUCTION : · pour présenter le texte : Le texte / poème « … » extrait de ____ a été écrit par … / publié en … Le passage qui nous est proposé est extrait du chapitre … / se situe à l'acte … scène … / correspond à l'épisode de … / prend place au début de l'œuvre / à la fin de l'œuvre Cet extrait traite du thème de … / développe l'idée que … / est une méditation sur … Dans ce texte, l'auteur met en œuvre … / expose sa vision...
dialogue anglais
Dialogue TS : M: Hey I: Hey,Yesterday I won a card-journey for two people but I'm single would you like to come with me ? M: Yes ,what are the destinations ? I: I could choose between five destinations : a week in the sw iss Alps ,a cruise in the mediterranean, a photo safari in Africa,an adventure ca mp in Hawaï and an expedition on a desert island. M: I wouldn't like to stay a week in the swiss Alps becau se I hate snow and I hurt my feet last year in an avalanche . I: And what do you t...
bts devoir d'anglais
2 Devoir 1 écrit Voici votre premier devoir écrit. Pour le réaliser, consultez la page d’accueil de l’onglet « Devoirs ». Seules les 2 parties Évaluation sont à envoyer \ au Cned. Document écrit en Langue Vivante étrangère Today’s Forecast: Cloudy, Newsweek, 10/11/2008 Vous le trouverez dans le recueil de documents supports des devoirs de BT\ S. Prenez-en connais- sance et notez les éléments importants nécessaires à la ré\ alisation de votre devoir. Exercices d’aide à la compréhensio...
Présentation Londre espagnol
Le fascime
Mentre Mussolini fu chiamato al capo del governo, il suo scopo primario è quello di rassicurare l'opinione italiana, dopo il suo colpo di stato incarnato nella marcia su Roma. Non cerca di imporre una dittatura con la violenza, ma cerca di apparire come l'uomo può incarnare l'autorità del governo mentre lavorava per il ripristino della pace sociale nel paese, la "normalizzazione". Ha istituito un governo di coalizione di governo moderata. La politica fascista...