Catégorie : Langues
cours histoire esabac
A pertire di questa giornata, dei movimenti di resistenza saranno messi in atto. Progressivamente de Gaulle costruira un esercito: Forze francesi libere (FFL) che combatterano più tardi al fianco dei britannici, dei Americani e potrano anche comtare sulle colonie francese. L’esercito ha per emblema la Croce di Lorena, una corce che serviva per combattere la swastica. Nel 1940, i francesi liberi decisero di lottare contro l'occupazione tedesca e la politica del governo di Vichy. b-I PRIMI...
travail sur super heros pendant 2nd guerre mondiale en anglais
During the second world war, superheroes were used for propaganda purposes in order to mobilize the society at the home front. This comic book cover is the ninth volume of the « world's finest comics » series which was published in 1943 by DC comics. In this document, we can see three American superheroes in their costumes : Superman, Batman and Robin throwing baseball balls with all their strength at Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito. By the way, baseball is a typical American sport...
español 1 CNED
Actualmente la heroína est á dejando paso a la coca ína y drogas de dise ño, estupefacientes con menor connotaci ón marginal, pero con efectos devastadores para la salud y la vida social. As í, el hecho de que el consumo de hero ína haya descendido, y que en s í mismo sea una buena noticia, no lo es tanto si se tiene en cuenta que globalmente, el consumo de drogas no ha disminuido. Los programas de prevenci ón son todav ía muy necesarios, especialmente los que van dirigidos a las nuevas susta...
Ndls Vocabulaire
.werkloosheid : chômage .uitbreiden : développer
2 a fall in love b split up with c go out with 3 a fall out b fall down c fall in 4 a come on b get on c go on 5 a gossip b headline c tabloid 6 a get out with b fall out with c go out with 3 Complete the text with one word in each gap. / 6 I listen to the radio a lot and I often listen to phone-in shows. They can be really fun...
3 Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences. / 7 0 Eating in class is not allowed. You mustn’t eat in class. 1 Smoking is not allowed here. You ___________________________________ 2 It would be a good idea to eat more fruit. You ___________________________________ 3 You can’t stay at the hotel if you don’t pay first. You ___________________________________ before you can stay in the hotel. 4 It is very important for me to work harder. I ______________...
english writings
Now,nobody can deny the importance roles that have been played by women .They work honestly for instance their participation in political life.Women try to issue more laws to be egalitarian in terms of sexual equality,they realize that responsibility must be shared at home,ine the family,in the educational sphere and finally in the workplaces.Moreover they involve in political parties to describe the problems of today's society in an intersting way and provide innovative solutions.Even...
My superheroin
Yours faithfully and thanking you for your consideration. Peter S. Parker Smith
Voyage en Angleterre
During this trip, i was greeted by a host family English Indian origin, who had two daughters. I was in company with my friends Amandine and Daphnée and we had a large room. This trip has given me want to discover more england and allowed me to train my English a little. I would love to stay longer to see more of something because it is very different from France. I loved the wax museum Madam Thussaud, the school Harrow, Piccadilly Circus and the department store Harrods. We were supervised by...
exposé anglais sur let it be : the Beattles
Why we choose that song particulary : Firstly we like the theme of the song namely the love of McCartney for his mother . Cause a mother is everything to us , a mother is the person who takes care of us , all our life , and even if she's gone she will always be in our heart and we will never forget her . Then we apprecciate the peaceful aim which the Beatles want to transmit to us and finally when we hear the song we are carried by the rythme . In conclusion Let it be is theref...
Al andalus
laarquitectura musulmana en Occidente. En 1236, después de la Reconquista, la Gran Mezquita sirvió de iglesia y, en el siglo XVI, una parte de la mezquita fue derribada para construir una catedral en el...
Histoire de la linguistique française
NGUYEN AMANDINE A2 Cours de Linguistique française 1. Mécanismes de l’évolution des langues 1.1. Le comment 3 points de vue : La vitesse d’évolution. Lent : Se fait sur plusieurs siècles, longue période. Ex : Les évolutions des phonétiques d’une langue. Ça prend des siècles, on ne se rend pas compte du changement du mot. Rapide : Se fait sur quelques années. Ex : Evolution du vocabulaire. Le degré de conscience des usagers = la manière...
une l’autorité inconnus ainsi on s’attend à rencontrer un héros assez hors du commun car il n’est pas sûr de lui et en confiance. En conclusion, on peut noter que ce sont les relations entre le personnage et le narrateur mais aussi les héros qui sont ici le pivot de l’œuvre ainsi il acquiert un statut qui est d’avantage hors du commun ce qui nous permet bien de d’approuver le fait que par les éléments romanesque on remet bien en cause les personnages.
Philosophie anglaise
To design the interior of the mouse to assemble the dynamo system to create a prototype and finally to correct the mistakes of this one 7. The only problem that I encountered was the problem of scale of the components of the dynamo lamp on SolidWorks, which was smaller than the actual components.
3- Formation du subjonctif des verbes terminés en -ir. Il faut que je finisse ce TP Tu finisses Il finisse Nous finissions Vous finissiez Ils finissent 4- Verbes irréguliers. Etre Que je sois/sois/soit/soyons/soyez/soient Avoir
critique de film
The end, in the short story we don't know if he dies or not, but in the movie, it's a family story that ended badly Finally we don't know if the horsemen headless is real in the short story, whereas in the movie we know that is the stepmother's Katrina who is directed the horsemen. It is a film that manages to both scare to move and amaze. Sleepy Hollow is undoubtebly the most controlled movie of Tim Burton. We should not overlook the advantage of this movie; in fact the actor Johnny Depp e...
La guerre de troie n'aura pas lieu
La guerre avant le récit, c’est l’antiquité, un repère Quand plus précisément : Hector arrive, c’est un début rapide, l’acte est enclenchée tout de suite, c’est un rythme rapide Ligne 10 : « oui, si Hector n’était pas là ! … mais il arrive Cassandre, il arrive ! Tu entends assez ses trompettes … » Ligne 44 : « oui, Hector en cette heure, revient à sa femme » Personnage : Andromaque Cassandre (voir bio) Il y a une astuce de Giraudoux dès la première ligne, Andromaque et Cassandre s...
le conditionnel licenta
essayé toutefois de faire dans le chapitre III une brève classification des emplois temporels et modaux du conditionnel. Dans le chapitre IV nous nous sommes appliqués à une analyse des particularités du conditionnel. La règle du si conditionnel ne peut pas faire omission dans ce cadre. Puis on sait bien que si est toujours incompatible avec le conditionnel. Dans le sous- chapitre SI et le conditionnel on déc...
Vocabulaire Allemand - La Guerre
die Waffe l’arme die Panzer le char die Granate la grenade die Kanone le canon explodieren exploser zu Baden fallen tomber au sol schokieren choquant zeigen montrer der Schmerz la douleur fahl blafard hocken se tenir accroup
myths and heroes
ideal, a superman or simply a courageous person, showing selflessness. The role of the hero is between the metaphysical aspiration, almost religious, exceeding the human condition, including a physical point of view and from the most realistic to work for the good of the community aspiration, a point moral view. A third role may be as the propaganda for a political or religious ideology. By extension, the term "hero" means the principal of a fictional character, whatever qualities he h...