Catégorie : Langues
Essay The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
Essay The Glass Menagerie Choose either Laura, Tom, or Amanda and argue how the person you chose should be considered the main character of the play. The main character of a story is the person who the story centers around, and is directly impacted by the conflicts that take place. By interacting with other main and secondary characters, they change, and are thus round and dynamic characters. In The Glass Menagerie, Laura is the axis around which the plot turns around, with the major...
Vietnam War
At the beginning, Vietnam had been a French colony before it was occupied by the Japanese during World War Two. After World War Two, it was returned to French control, but many Vietnamese people wanted independence. As a result, in the 1950s, the French found themselves fighting a war against the Viet Minh, an organization dedicated to getting rid of foreign imperialist powers from Vietnam. Worried about the spread of communism in South East Asia, the USA began to financially support the...
How does the art contribute to the fight against social injustices in the United States of America?
How does the art contribute to the fight against social injustices in the United States of America? INTRODUCTION: Justice’s main purpose is to establish equality and to be fair, but unfortunately the justice system is tainted by unfairness, especially in the United States, a very racist country. That’s the reason why many American citizens fight for a better country, a tolerant country. So how does the art of debate contribute to the fight against social injustices in the United Stat...
La Polygamie dans une si longue lettre de Mariama Ba
EXPOSE Thème : La Polygamie dans une si longue lettre de Mariama Ba Classe : 3ème F Prof : Mr Diouf Etablissement : CEM MOUHAMADOU HABIB SY Plan Introduction I. Définition II. La Polygamie dans une si longue lettre III. Cause de la polygamie dans une si longue lettre IV. Les Avantages de la polygamie dans une si longue lettre V. Les Inconvénients de la polygamie dans une si longue lettre VI. Les conséquences de la polygamie dans une si longue lettre Conclusion LES EXPOSANT...
Document AMC
Document 5 1-The title of the document, "Democrats' 'Green New Deal' is a Crazy New Deal that would be a disaster for us all," suggests a strong negative stance towards the Green New Deal proposed by Democratic lawmakers. The term "crazy" implies that the author finds the proposal irrational or extreme, while "disaster" emphasizes the potential negative consequences the author believes the Green New Deal would bring. 2-Justin Haskins highlights several problems related to the Green New Dea...
Le flamenco
Introduction : Oral du brevet Bonjour, je me présente, je m'appelle Élisa Bouchon et je suis élève en classe de 3ème5. J'ai décidé aujourd'hui de vous parler d'un art très célèbre, le Flamenco. Même si son origine reste un mystère et que cet art s'est construit en Andalousie nous verrons dans quelle mesure le flamenco est un art qui dépasse les frontières de l'Espagne et qui est accessible à tous. Dans un premier temps laisser moi vous parlez de l'origine et du caractère du Flamenco....
Perfumes and fragrance- a molecule affair
Perfumes and fragrance- a molecule affair 1°) Vocabulary: look for the meaning of the words you don’t know: To smell A fragrance An odor To stink Neurons Molecules A myth= something that has been told, invented, forged= some are true or partially and some not To debunk a myth = to cancel the effects of a myth/ when a myth ceases to exist 2) ‘How do we smell?’: video #1: a) Useful vocabulary: look up the words in the dictionary in case you don’t know them...
Identifier un document iconographique en espagnol
Identi er un document iconographique en espagnol Nature du document • • • • • • • • Un dibujo : un dessin, Un dibujo humorístico : un dessin humoristique, Un comic : une bande dessinée, Un cuadro / un lienzo : un tableau, Una fotografía : une photo, Un cartel : une a che / un poster, Una publicidad : une publicité, La portada de una revista : la une d'un magazine. Auteur, provenance, titre • • • • • • Fue pintado por : il a été peint par, Fue dibujado por : il a é...
Las civilizaciones
La civilización es el conjunto de rasgos culturales, intelectuales, políticos, morales y técnicos que de nen a una sociedad humana. Originalmente, en el siglo XVIII, el término civilización se utilizaba para designar a las sociedades que no eran primitivas. En la actualidad, el término "civilización" se ha vuelto más neutro y ya no se opone a "barbarie" o "primitivo". Se re ere simplemente al conjunto de rasgos que distinguen dos sociedades (civilización romana y civilización griega) o blo...
Les bases de allemands
Prépositions suivies de l’accusatif, du datif ou du génitif Les prépositions suivies de l’accusatif durch / par, à travers, grâce à Er fährt durch die Stadt. Il passe par la ville. für / pour Für mich ist das klar. Pour moi c’est clair. gegen / contre Er ist immer gegen alles. Il est toujours contre tout. ohne / sans Sie kam ohne ihren Mann. Elle est venue sans son mari. um / autour de , à (heure) Sie hatte einen Schal um den Hals. Elle portait un foulard autour du cou....
anglais The importance of identity in contemporary society ?
The importance of identity in contemporary society ? I. Identity, a means of existing in society a ) Which box do we fit into? Intersectionality, conformism b ) an identity in constant evolution - primary/secondary socialisation II. Identities that evolve in tandem with societal problems a ) societal events favour the affirmation of identities (racism/ LGBTQ+/ sexism) II. identities evolving in tandem with societal problems a ) societal events favour the affirmation of identities ( racism...
Analyse de document géographie "Mers et océans
DOKUMENTANALYSE Das vorliegende Dokument zeigt uns einen Zeitungsar4kel aus der französischen wöchentlichen Zeitschri: „L’ Express“, geschrieben von Christophe Josset und veröffentlicht am 26. Juni 2016. Diese Quelle ist dementsprechend veraltet und berücksich4gt die Covid Pandemie von 2020 nicht. Dieses Dokument präsen4ert uns die Eröffnung des „neuen“ Panamakanals, welcher 1914 zum ersten Mal offiziell eröffnet wurde. Erweitert und vergrößert kann dieser jetzt viel größere Schiffe durchlassen...
plan de soutien
Plan de soutien pédagogique Aouni Lhassane د م: ا وم ط ار ز ا ظو ا ر و ،ورھ ن ا وزارة ا د ا را ؤ زل ا! ا ر #روع ا ؤ ا & ر ز وا & ر ز %ر ا را ، $ را 0و #ر /ا وزارة ،و ظ م و .ل %ف ا$,راءات ا د ر وا ر و ا ) د إ ' ا رب & $ ت 3 .دة ا ذات وا & ذ إط ر 4ن $ودة ا . %ف$4تا ؤ ذك أ ت ' إ داد %طط ا 8را $ا ط& 7ن و% /6ط ل ر ز ' 4 4ور : %#ص ا و6 4د د ا=و و و...
Littérature et culture françaises 2
LETTERATURA FRANCESE 2 Lezione 1 (In questo programma vengono analizzati testi che parlano della PGM ma che vengono scritti durante il periodo della SGM) l’après - guerre. XXe siècle romans écrits rétrospectivement car il existe une approche différente de la narration. Giono est lié au Réalisme il a écrit « Le marchand d’oiseaux » livre qui est présent dans la bibliographie. Beaucoup des textes concernant le guerre. Cendrars a écrit « La main coupée » concerne de l’auteur lequel...
Humor and absurdity as a concept
Humor and absurdity as a concept Introduction “Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit.” Aristotle “I’m not being purposely humorous. I do think the world is absurd.” John Baldessari Art is known for privileging ideas over objects and for presenting itself as a system or language that also involve and element of derision. The targets? The artist hi...
Anglais juridique l1
Anglais juridique Exam plrs qu° test/ 30 qu° on our lectures/ 10 qu° on moodle/ 1. The monarchy 2. Parliament 3. The governement 4. the legal professions and the judiciary 5. A United kingdom 6. The UK and eurpoe British system or American system (1688 revolution/ today/…) I- Introduction to the Monarchy The uk’s system of government is know as a constitutionnal monarchy Qu °1 A system of governement in which the head of state is a monarchy whose power is shared with a constit...
Expression oral espagnol
Expression orale ESPAÑOL 1) Los tres documentos impresos son fotografías que representan movimientos musicales. En cada imagen vemos grupos de personas, compuestos por jóvenes o ancianos, mujeres o hombres, que utilizan instrumentos musicales o canciones para expresarse. La gente desfila en la calle de Bogotá en la medidad en que hay edificios, concreto y aceras al fondo. Todos los eventos pasan en la ciudad de Bogotá durante el año 2019. El documento visual, que es un video musical, tam...
THE SILENT VOICE - 1898 INTRODUCTION : This painting is entitled : 'The Silent Voice', it was painted in oils on a relifted canvas in 1898 by Gerald Moira. - Gerald Moira was born in London on January 26, 1867, and died on August 2, 1959 - He was an English painter who became best known for his murals - He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1891. - He painted in oil, tempera and watercolor. - Moira was Principal of the Edinburgh College of Art from 1923 to 1932. - Founding membe...
LOS GRANDES MOVIMIENTOS MIGRATORIOS EN EL MUNDO Hay diferentes causas por las cuales la gente decide emigrar: - Por razones económicas: la gente necesita encontrar recursos o un trabajo. Puede ser una inmigración legal o clandestina. - Por razones políticas: la gente tiene que huir de su país por la guerra, persecuciones, inseguridad, discrimaciones. Se puede tratar de un éxodo cuando es masivo. - Por razones climáticas - Por razones personales, familiares o para estudiar En el mundo h...
Population and immigration: the USA
Population and immigration: the USA United States’ population: 334,612,330 in 2022 nation of immigration: XIX pop grew w/ the arrival of two main waves of immigrants fleeing from poverty: in the early years of the century: Irish, Germans, Austrians,Scandinavian bc of loss of jobs in England and the potato famine in Ireland in the last decades: people from southern and central Europe (It, Jews…) for political and economic reasons (e.g. 1848 Revolutions in Fr and Germany) XX: immigrants fr...