Catégorie : Langues
new york influence
The influence of nyc Introduction : Let’s me introduce you to New York city ! New York is a huge metropolis located in the united state, more specifically on the east coast. When i was a child i always wanted to go to new york, it’s my favorite city even if i never been in. By doing searches for this topic, I understood why I used have this attraction for this amazing city. Before I start let’s remember a few things about new york. New York is made up of 5 majors districts: Manhattan, Br...
UN VIAJE INOLVIDABLE Llevaba planeando ese viaje desde hace mucho tiempo y por fin llego el día. Mi aventura comenzó con un vuelo que me transportó desde mi país de origen hasta la Ciudad de México, un viaje bien cansino y pesado pero bueno valió la pena. Desde el momento en que pisé la tierra mexicana, sentí una energía especial en el aire. Llegue el día 9 de diciembre. Me hospedé en un acogedor hotel, Barceló México Reforma, rodeado de coloridas calles y edificios históricos. Aprove...
How does social media impact our body image ?
How social media impact our body image? People have a tendency to share every moment of their happiness, their success, and their material perfection in social media. Actually , in the digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, as it is easily accessible , shaping how we perceive ourselves and others. While it offers connectivity and a platform for self-expression, its influence on body image has sparked widespread debate and concern. Social media is also a g...
portfolio terminal the migration series, n°3 by Jacob Lawrence
the migration series, n°3 by Jacob Lawrence presentation/context: There are 60 paintings in this series. It’s to denounce and show to the world the truth of the immigration in America. It shows the migrants’ horrible life in the south of America. They wanted to escape the horror going on the north. This is a movement called the great migration. When more than 6 million people went on this internal migration. It was between 1910s and 1970s. All this series of painting is about this event. A...
llce oral
Introduction : When it comes to knowing who we really are, in order to express ourselves, we need to build our personality, which is hard to do. but Imagine having to do this in a country where the influences are very different from the culture of your relatives. These difficulties affect us all in different ways, which is why, through my documents, I have decided to focus on the situation of ethnic minorities in Anglophone countrie. "The Buddha of Suburbia" by Hanif Kureishi portrays Ka...
Diana Spencer, a heroine
Diana Spencer Lady Diana, princess of Wales, was a member of the British royal family. She was born in 1961 and grew up in an aristocratic family. In 1981, she married at the age of 20 Princes Charles of England, heir to the British crown. An exceptional ceremony was held at St Paul’s cathedral in London and was followed by millions of viewers around the world. The couple gave birth to two children : prince William and prince Harry. Also known as the princess of hearts or the people’s pri...
Exposé Cristiano Ronaldo en Espagnol
Hola a todos, Hoy me gustaría hablaros de una figura icónica del mundo del fútbol, fuente de inspiración para millones de personas en todo el mundo: Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo es mucho más que un futbolista famoso. Encarna valores extraordinarios que trascienden el deporte y nos sirven de ejemplo a todos. En primer lugar, su determinación y su trabajo duro son extraordinarios. Nacido en el seno de una familia modesta en la isla portuguesa de Madeira, tuvo que superar obstáculos c...
Analyse Texte bac français Arthur RIMBAUD (1854 – 1891) Vénus anadyomène
Arthur RIMBAUD (1854 – 1891) Vénus anadyomène Texte qui fait partie des Cahiers de Douai, 2 cahiers dans lesquels Rimbaud a rassemblé les 22 poèmes qu’il a écrits en 1870, et qu’il a confiés à Paul Démeny, un poète qui travaille dans une maison d’édition. Ces cahiers ont été constitués à Douay, chez l’ancien professeur de français de Rimbaud, au cours d’une fugue que Rimbaud a faite à Paris … Axe de lecture : comment le poète s’amuse à créer une attente dans l’esprit du lecteur pour ens...
Rabbit-Proof Fence
Rabbit ProofFence Carnet de lecture 2 Vocabulary p.1 p.3 fence mending – to mend p.3 p.3 p.4 superintendent depot half castes p.4 bush tucker p.4 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.8 p.9 p.12 p.12 p.12 p.12 p.14 p.22 p. 24 p. 25 p. 26 p. 32 p.33 p.36 p.40 p.40 P:41 p.48 p.48 p.48 p.49 mongrel dog damper girdi-girdi constable nodded – to nod grief dormitory padlock shapes buckets sheets spine shallow shelter sudden cattle sores goanna lit...
Anglais vocabulaire
#3 Art and Power Vocabulary list ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● bold / brave : audacieux/courageux pathbreaking : pionnier conquer : conquérir overlook / ignore : négliger/ignorer photographic : photographique photo documentary : photo documentaire photo montage : photo montage photo shoot : photographie photograph : photographie photographer : photographe photography : photographie shot / pic of...
Rédaction d'anglais sur le thème des contes
If this story feels weird, rushed and unfinished, it’s normal because it is. I didn’t have much time last week to finish it (notably because I had to do a remix of a song about maths for the European section, but that’s another long story) so I didn’t even re-read to correct it. The ridiculously hideous child : Once upon a time, in a small village called Beautiful Happy Town, a beautiful and honorable woman and her husband, a strong and rich man, were waiting for their first child. Every...
Présenter un document en anglais
Document Presentation (Oral and Written) 1. IdentificationThe document under examination is a [type of document], specifically [provide details about the document's nature]. It serves as a significant visual representation aimed at [describe the intended purpose or audience of the document]. Source and Date of the Document:This image originates from [source], which could be [specify the source, e.g., a website, a publication]. The document was made public on [date], marking its introduct...
Londres pendant la Seconde guerre Mondiale, Londre une ville mondiale et La Guerre du Vietnam
A revoir pour l’épreuve d’euro : 1) London a global city (Connaître les définitions et maîtriser les mots clés) London is a city that perfectly represents what a global city is, where culture, commerce, and influence come together to create a lively and dynamic atmosphere. But what is Globalization ? Globalization means countries becoming more connected through things like trade, culture, and social interactions. It makes the world feel smaller because of how closely linked different pa...
Les indigènes EO espagnol
Les indigènes sont des personnes qui ont gardé des coutumes ancestrales, elles veulent donc préserver la nature pour pouvoir continuer de vivre comme ils le faisaient. Ainsi, ils sont obligés de se défendre contre les personnes qui veulent exploiter la nature et qui risquent de la détruire ou de la polluer. C’est par exemple le cas des Waoranis qui ont du se battre pour éviter l’extraction du pétrole qui se trouve dans leurs terres afin d’éviter la pollution de leurs eau et de leur sol ain...
Have you never thought about an endless life ?
Have you never thought about an endless life ? Immortality is certainly one of our greatest fantasies. If we think about life expectancy, selfregeneration would also be rather practical and has often been explored in science fiction. A power possessed by Deadpool or Wolverine . Regeneration ? Regeneration is the natural reconstruction of damaged flesh, tissue, or organs. However, it is difficult to believe and understand the phenomenon of limb regeneration. But some species are able to r...
the industrial revolution
Test 1 : The industrial revolution We are submitted to two sources : source 1 entitled Two industrial towns is an extract from “Personal recollections of Manchester”, published in 1851 and written by Archibald Prentice. He was a 19th-century political reformer and slave emancipation activist in Britain. He founded the Manchester Times in 1828, which was a radical newspaper advocating social and political reform. His legacy as a journalist and reformer is celebrated for his commitment to...
vocabulary on diversity
Vocabulary on diversity An ethnic minority : une minorité ethnique Minority students : les étudiants issus des minorités A native country : un pays natal A host country : un pays d'accueil To welcome immigrants : accueillir les migrants A newcomer : un nouvel arrivant A citizen : un citoyen Citizenship : la citoyenneté Racial prejudice : les préjugés raciaux Cultural diversity : la diversité culturelle A multiracial society : diversité raciale Mainstream culture : la culture dominant...
Plan détaillé sur l'intégration des caraïbes dans la mondialisation
DM Euro Español : En el contexto actual de la globalización, la región caribeña se destaca como un espacio de vital importancia tanto en términos económicos como políticos. La integración del Caribe en la globalización se manifiesta a través de diversas dinámicas, entre las cuales el turismo y las relaciones internacionales desempeñan un papel central. Este ensayo se propone analizar cómo se lleva a cabo esta integración, explorando tanto los aspectos económicos como los políticos. La econ...
How the pyramids were built ?
How the pyramids were built ? Hello, I am an Egyptologist and researcher specializing in ancient architecture. Today, we are going to explore together the mysteries surrounding the construction of the Egyptian pyramidsas . as soon as pharaoh khufu ascended the throne curca a 2575 BCE, work on his eternal resting place began.the structure's architec,Hemiunu determined he would need 20 years to finish the Royal tomb . but what he could not predict was that this monument would remain the world...
Avenir Next LT Pro Light (gras)
In the heart of a small, impoverished town, nestled among the shadows of dilapidated buildings and forgotten dreams, lived a young girl named Emily. She entered this world with nothing but the echo of her mother's weary sighs and the whispers of poverty that danced through the air like a haunting melody. From the moment she could walk, Emily understood the weight of their circumstances. Her mother toiled day and night, stitching together fragments of hope with the threads of despair to prov...