Euro Rettungsschirm
Publié le 05/12/2011
Extrait du document
Iago advises Roderigo to spoil some of Othello’s pleasure in his marriage by rousing
Desdemona’s family against the general.
The two men come to the street outside the house of
Desdemona’s father, Brabanzio, and cry out that he has been robbed by “thieves.” Brabanzio,
who is a Venetian senator, comes to the window.
At first, he doesn’t believe what he hears,
because he has told Roderigo to stay away from his daughter before and thinks Roderigo is
merely scheming once again in order to see Desdemona.
Iago speaks in inflammatory terms,
vulgarly telling the senator that his daughter and Othello are having sex by saying that they
are “making the beast with two backs” (I.i.
118 ).
Brabanzio begins to take what he hears
seriously and decides to search for his daughter.
Seeing the success of his plan, Iago leaves
Roderigo alone and goes to attend on Othello.
Like Brabanzio, Othello has no idea of Iago’s
role in Roderigo’s accusations.
As Iago departs, Brabanzio come s out of his house, furious
that his daughter has left him.
Declaring that his daughter has been stolen from him by magic
“charms,” Brabanzio and his men follow Roderigo to Othello.
Summary: Act I, scene ii
Iago arrives at Othello’s lodgings, where he warns the general that Brabanzio will not hesitate
to attempt to force a divorce between Othello and Desdemona.
Othello sees a party of men
approaching, and Iago, thinking that Brabanzio and his followers have arrived, counsels
Othello to retreat indoors.
Othe llo stands his ground, but the party turns out to be Cassio and
officers from the Venetian court.
They bring Othello the message that he is wanted by the
duke of Venice about a matter concerning Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean Sea
controlled by Veni ce.
As Cassio and his men prepare to leave, Iago mentions that Othello is
married, but before he can say any more, Brabanzio, Roderigo, and Brabanzio’s men arrive to
accost Othello.
Brabanzio orders his men to attack and subdue Othello.
A struggle between
Brabanzio’s and Othello’s followers seems imminent, but Othello brings the confrontation to
a halt by calmly and authoritatively telling both sides to put up their swords.
Hearing that the
duke has summoned Othello to the court, Brabanzio decides to bring his cause before the
duke himself.
The duke’s meeting with his senators about the imminent Turkish invasion of Cyprus takes
an unexpected turn when a sailor arrives and announces that the Turks seem to have turned
toward Rhodes, another island controlled by Venice.
One of the senators guesses that the
Turks’ change of course is intended to mislead the Venetians, because Cyprus is more
important to the Turks and far more vulnerable than Rhodes.
This guess proves to be correct,
as another messenger arrives t o report that the Turks have joined with more forces and are
heading back toward Cyprus..
Liens utiles
- Georges Washington devoir d'euro-histoire anglais
- L'EURO Fiche composée par sylvain sylvain.
- L'URSS, État fédératif formé de quinze Républiques, était une superpuissance euro-asiatique, héritière de l'Empire des tsars.
- Devenue indépendante après le démantèlement de l'URSS, la République euro-asiatique de Russie est le plus vaste pays du monde.
- Euro. 1 EINLEITUNG Euro (Symbol EUR), gemeinsame Währung der Staaten der Europäischen Union