Lexique travail social en anglais
Publié le 28/05/2012
Extrait du document

Disabled people do have sex lives |
People who cannot use a part of their body or of their brain |
Personnes handicapées |
but we do need equality in society for the myths to be debunked |
A situation which people have the same rights |
Egalité |
but we do need equality in society for the myths to be debunked |
To show that a belief is false |
Démystifier/briser une idée, une croyance |
The Telegraph picked a particularly shrewd moment to pry into disabled people's care plans, |
A person tries to find details about a thing. But this person are not concerned by this thing |
Mettre son nez dans |
as we are currently are the disproportionate target of a cost-cutting campaign that has started with the poorest and most disadvantaged people in society |
It’s the fact to reduce expend. It’s the reduction of allowances |
Réduire les frais |
The debate around disability |
A physical or mental condition that makes difficult for a person to use a part of their body and/or their brain properly |
Handicap/ infirmité |
With others types of impairments |
A condition in which the brain or the body of a person is damaged |
Troubles/handicap |
the biggest obstacle is other people's attitudes |
Opinions and feeling that people have about something |
L’attitude |
Develop post-traumatic stress disorder, for example. |
Mental or physical illness which prevents part of your body to work perfectly |
Désordre/trouble/problème |
his report discusses issues of puberty, contraception |
It the practice to use methods for not fall pregnant |
La contraception |
his report discusses issues of puberty |
The stage of physical development during which you change from a child to an adult |
La puberté |
aspects of their developing sexuality |
The things people do, think, and feel that are related to their sexual desires |
Sexualité |
psychosexual development, sexual abuse, and sexuality education specific to children and |
Cruel, violent and sexual treatment of a person on another person |
Abus sexuel |
Pediatricians, in the context of the medical home |
a doctor who deals with children and their illnesses |
Pédiatre |
parents and health care professionals are often |
Regroup all people who work in the medical |
Professionnels de la santé |
pessimistic regarding the potential of children with disabilities |
Llikely to develop into a particular type thing in the future |
potentiel |
intimacy and sexuality in their relationships |
The interaction of a person with others members of the society |
Les relations |
they may be viewed as inappropriately sexual or as having uncontrollable urges |
A strong wish or need |
Forte envie |
children with cerebral palsy |
An illness caused by damage to the brain before or during birth which results in difficulties of movement and speech |
Infirmité motrice cérébrale |
Although idiopathic precocious puberty occurs |
Speak about an illness which anybody know the cause |
Relatif à une maladie dont on ne connaît pas la cause |
20% among females with spina bifida |
Important deformity of the vertebral column |
malformation congénitale grave de la colonne vertébrale |
malformations of the central nervous system |
when a part of someone's body is badly formed |
Malformation |
contribute to these symptoms |
Something on your body or in your mind which shows that you have a particular illness |
Un symptôme |
should be informed about the procedures |
Usual way to do something |
Une procédure |
a trusted caregiver present during |
Someone who takes care of a sick person |
Personnel soignant |
when making decisions regarding abstinence, contraception, and pregnancy |
When a woman waiting a baby |
grossesse |
some antiepileptic medications induce |
Drug which prevent epilepsy |
Médicament antiépileptique |
Barrier devices, including condoms |
A means to prevent a woman having a baby or to protect against disease |
Un préservatif |
sexually transmitted diseases |
Illness transmit by sexual act |
Maladie sexuellement transmissible |
myelomeningocele and spinal cord injury |
Damage caused by an accident or by an attack |
blessure |
Because unplanned pregnancies can occur |
A pregnancy which haven’t been whished |
Grossesse non désirée |
successful attainment of these developmental goals |
To achieve a goal |
Réalisation/réussite |
intentional or unintentional social isolation |
When a person is separate from others |
L’isolation |
lack information on parenthood |
Ba a parent |
La parentalité |
appropriate behaviors involves |
The things that a person does. It’s her attitude. |
Comportement |
reinforcing skills for children |
an ability to do something |
Qualités |
The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect |
o fail to look after someone or something properly |
Négligence |
women with developmental disabilities will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes |
When a person attack another person and practice sexual act without her approval |
Agression sexuelle |
disabilities may be more vulnerable to sexual abuse |
someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt |
Vulnérable |
and lack of strategies to defend themselves |
When a person don’t have a thing and she would like to possess this thing, for example, African have a lack of school |
Un manque |
protect their children from unsupervised social contacts |
To be in charge of a person and don’t look at this person |
Laisser sans surveillance |
a life with more personal fulfillment |
The feeling of being happy and satisfied with your life because you are doing interesting, useful, or important things |
Epanouissement |
sexuality education must incorporate the family's values on issues |
the importance or usefulness of something in familial tradition |
Valeurs familiales |
and the health implications |
The general condition of your body or your mind |
La santé |
have the right to the same education about sexuality |
The fact to learn |
Education |
transition of children with disabilities into adulthood |
The time where you are an adult |
L’âge adulte |
Third, parents may infantilize their children |
The fact to don’t help a child to become an adult |
Infantiliser |
during early childhood and continuing through the adolescent years |
The time where you are an child |
Enfance |
access to appropriate guidance |
Help and advice that is given to someone about their work, education, or personal life |
Assistance |
views of children as passive recipients of care |
Someone who receives something |
Bénéficiaire |
Additional text
Ce texte est intéressant car il complète les textes précédant en explorant un peu plus en profondeur les difficultés rencontrées par les personnes homosexuels ayant un handicap. En effet, tout d’abord il explique que les rencontres amoureuses sont difficiles pour les personnes handicapées car les lieux ou ces rencontres se font généralement sont peu accessibles. Il faut tout de même noter que cet argument vaut pour toutes personnes souffrant d’un handicap, qu’elle soit homosexuelle ou hétérosexuelle.
Le texte explique ensuite, et c’est dans ce passage qu’il est intéressant, que même dans les mouvements gays, les personnes intégrées sont l’objet de discrimination en étant perçues comme handicapées avant d’être considérées comme homosexuelle. Ces discriminations font qu’ils se sentent « minorité dans la minorité « et créer une peur pour ces personnes en situation de handicap de révéler leur penchant sexuel. Ainsi les personnes handicapées et homosexuelles font leur « coming-out « bien plus tard que les personnes n’ayant pas de handicap.
On parle souvent de discriminations faites envers les personnes homosexuelles, mais je pense qu’il serait intéressant d’étudier le fait que les personnes handicapées et homo soient doublement discriminées, d’une part par leur handicap et d’autre part par leur sexualité.
To conclude, we can say that sexuality of disabled people is still a taboo. People don’t imagine that a person with a disability have the same needs that everybody and don’t ask them about this topic. If the caregivers and associations campaign so that children and adolescents receive a proper education about sexuality this question is left aside by societies. That increase social inequalities between people who live with not disability and disabled people who would like have relationship like others but can’t because meeting-places are often inappropriate and many people don’t accept to see a disabled person like a potential spouse.
To remedy the situation, professionals require special allowance or the creation of particular jobs to help disabled people to attain the right of have a sexual live as everybody. Sexuality is for everybody an important part of self-development and deprive this people of this is abnormal for me.
About difficulties met during elaboration of this file, I discouraged when Julie announced me that she stopped her studies just when I have begun to work and that I had to work alone. I chose to keep articles that you sent to me and composed with. I think my work can be improve because I think I have forbidden some words or expressions which can be insert in this work. This file required me a lot work and I had to begin before.
Thank you for your help when I saddled to work alone.
Liens utiles
- DIVISION DU TRAVAIL SOCIAL (DE LA), 1893. Émile Durkheim - résumé de l'oeuvre
- Travail Social
- travail sur super heros pendant 2nd guerre mondiale en anglais
- inspection du travail (cours de droit social).
- convention collective de travail (cours de droit social).