John Winthrop: "A City Upon a Hill" In 1629 English attorney and Puritan John Winthrop was chosen by the Massachusetts Bay Company, an English trading firm, to govern its colony in New England.
Publié le 26/05/2013
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John Winthrop: "A City Upon a Hill" In 1629 English attorney and Puritan John Winthrop was chosen by the Massachusetts Bay Company, an English trading firm, to govern its colony in New England. Winthrop and 700 Puritan settlers set sail from Yarmouth, England, in March 1630 and landed at what is now Salem, Massachusetts, on June 12. While bound for New England on board the Arabella, Winthrop delivered a speech setting forth a moral code and religious goals for the new colony. Excerpts from this speech are reprinted here. "We Shall Be as a City Upon a Hill" Thus stands the case between God and us. We are entered into a covenant with him for this work. We have taken out a commission. The Lord hath given us leave to draw our own articles. We have professed to enterprise these and those ends, upon these and those accounts. We have hereupon besought of him favor and blessing....
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